Thursday, April 14, 2005

Steps to help you remember your dreams

1. Get a journal.2. Affirm to yourself, 3x a day, 'Tomorrow morning I will remember my dreams.' Write it in your journal too at bedtime! 3. Remain in bed and in the same position you woke up in. Let the dream come back to you before your mind wanders onto something else. 4. Think about your previous day. 5. Drink a glass of water at bedtime. By step 4 you should be well on your way to better dream recall. Step 5 is insurance. Ha!Be consistent with all of these steps and, within a week, your dream recall muscle will be nice and strong!!! You'll be amazed at how much goes on in your mind while you're sleeping. And even more than that, you'll be amazed at how much wisdom awaits you in your dreams. If you make dream-work an important part of your daily life, you'll suddenly find that life is easier, that you know yourself better and solutions to your problems are readily available to you. The people around you will notice your transformation too!If you'd like to see Dream Journals that I use, follow the link below:

Remember, we all have about 5 dreams each night. That averages out to over 100,000 dreams throughout our lifetime and almost 7 years spent in another world! You need to capture as many of those as you can because they are your road map to a better life. Each one of them holds advice, solutions and even warnings for you!


sp1r1tbear said...

aw *HUGS* for mendacity1. Are you still having nightmares or is it nightmares from the past that you need to lay to rest?

sp1r1tbear said...

well, I actually learnt when I was quite small that i could stop or control a nightmare WHILE I'M IN IT! Do you have any idea or notion of what I mean?? I learnt to bring my conscious mind into it whenever it got too scary.....

I sort of hypnotised my own mind into being on guard in my dreams just BEFORE i fell asleep.

Tell me how it goes *HUGS*

sp1r1tbear said...

May the angels rock you to sleep in their arms... mendacity

sp1r1tbear said...

NOT AT ALL!!! Angels don't just concern themselves with the dead you know:p Pray for protection and peace before you sleep mendacity, the peace Christ brings is incomparable to any.

sp1r1tbear said...

LOL :p

sp1r1tbear said...

mendacity, may I ask what religion you are?

maybe prayer isn't for you anyways, we all have different paths. maybe you should focus on trying that skill I mentioned....keeping your conscious mind on guard over your subconscious. Actually I sense that you should research the kahunas.

sp1r1tbear said...

I know you don't I?

sp1r1tbear said...

yes, perhaps.

sp1r1tbear said...

mendacity, what are your nightmares actually about?

Anonymous said...

I tried the steps to remember my dreams but it didnt work.

sp1r1tbear said...

mendacity, are you out there? calling mendacity.....

sp1r1tbear said...

are you ok?

sp1r1tbear said...

can I help you, mendacity1?

sp1r1tbear said...

I don't recall seeing you in the rooms mendacity. No doubt i could help you if you were forthcoming with information, which you don't seem to be. I certainly hope you arn't a certain person that enjoys playing string games, so to speak. If you are NOT that person I will be happy to help you mendacity1 so please explain the nature of your dreams, if you can. But if you are him f*** off.

sp1r1tbear said...
