Tuesday, April 19, 2005

teddies waiting to go on a picnic ...

ps I have opened up options

The lovely Brightstar mentioned in the room the other night that she could not post a comment on my blog because she's not a blogger, so I have decided to open up the comments options so that non bloggers can post too. *HUGS*

Psychological Issues

Now listen up boys and girls, I'm no shrink nor do I claim to be, but it doesn't take superior analytical skills to detect that an awful lot of the chatters that frequent Islam Chat Ten are seriously psychotic. So for the sociopaths, psychos and freaky tards I would like to offer you some help. Oh and my thanks goes out to the neurotics, at least they arn't pests.

Use this online voodoo doll to work out some of your pent up rage and shit:) towards whoever you are obsessed with. lol.

This also goes out to all the freaks who are ranting on at me about counteza777. God only knows how she possessed your small feeble minds so thouroughly or more perplexing WHY she bothered but here's my suggestion for you nuts. Firstly - write her a letter. You don't need to be Sherlock to access her homepage or email, it's on her real profile. If letter writing is beyond your 'tard capabilities PM her real ID saying "fuck you cuntessa" , "burn witch, burn bitch burn" or whatever it is that you desire to communicate. I managed to get through so maybe you will too. Third option is quite fun, DO try it...you can put little pins in her and burn her legs off or whatever you like....check this out it's great fun, knock yourselves out...


Enjoy *HUGS*

Clones Comments

I have deleted comments from obvious CLONES of chatters. I appreciate the effort these obsessed fruitloops put into trying to be somebody they are not but suggest they take their wannabe asses off to other blogs [see links below].

Try and be original.