Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Clones Comments

I have deleted comments from obvious CLONES of chatters. I appreciate the effort these obsessed fruitloops put into trying to be somebody they are not but suggest they take their wannabe asses off to other blogs [see links below].

Try and be original.


sp1r1tbear said...

yes, totally Pammy. I always check the source too, fuck second hand news. Did you ever play chinese whispers when you were lil?

Anonymous said...

Yep Teddy i played that game and my mum always said a rumour is only a rumour if it is spread until it's spread it's merely hear say.Damn that woman is wise i really should ask her advice more lol

sp1r1tbear said...

yeah, and it seems that in islam chat a lot of people LOVE spreading any and all of the rubbish they hear.

Anonymous said...

well as far as i am concerned rumours are jsut made up by ppl who have nothign better to do with their lives ,but rumours and inuendo can ruin families and freindships .Personally I don't care what ppl do with their personal lives,it's none of my business,and as they say judge not unless you be judged first or somethign like that lol

sp1r1tbear said...

"judge not lest ye shall be judged", yep. I'm trying to figure out how to put pics on my blog....