Sunday, April 17, 2005

GOD: "How often do you turn on the TV during the day? How much time during the day or week do you watch TV? Today, God wants to talk about turning on to God and tuning into God. If only a small portion of the day that you spend watching TV were spent tuning into Me, what a wonderful life you would have. Do you silence the mind? Are there times that you just be? Do you take the time to feel My Essence and know I am with you and in your life? So, if you were to calculate the many hours that you spend each year in front of your TV or computer, what would that look like? I would like you to think about that today. I am only asking for minutes in each day for you to sit, silence your mind and feel My Presence. In just those few minutes a day, you will gain more than anything you have ever gained from your TV or your computer. So, what does that mean - tuning into God? It's interesting. You don't even have to turn a dial. You don't even have to press a button. All you have got to do is sit somewhere, close your eyes and just let your thoughts leave your mind and just feel the peace, feel how good it feels not to have to do anything, not to have to watch anything - just doing nothing. If thoughts come into your mind, then just let them go - pass your thoughts and just feel what it is to know the peace that God is about. Tuning into me is like regenerating your cells, helping your health, letting you have the time to recoup. All of the activities that you do in a day will not mean as much as the time you take to be with Me. You may call it what you like - meditation. What it is is freeing your mind, your thoughts and the busy-ness of your activities to just find the Presence of God. If you are a person who enjoys being out in nature, find a place to go. Just sit and look at all of the trees, the plants, the birds, the flowers, the grass, and just feel the calmness, the peacefulness. Just stop your activity, and be wherever it is and in whatever it is that gets you to that point. This is not something that I want you to do just on Sunday. Don't think that just by going to a building - a church, a synagogue, a mosque - that that's enough. That is not what God is talking about. I am talking about a state of mind that I wish for you every day so that you can know what it is to have Me in your life. For, I wish for each of you the peace,the joy, the happiness, the laughter and the love that will make your life truly what God wishes each and every day."

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Anonymous said...
