Monday, May 16, 2005

I'm back! Hope everyone is being good:)

How is life in the feelth of islam chat going?


Anonymous said...

welcome back teddy ,while you were away i wrote a story about you it sort of has a supernatural feelign to it.I don't know if you've read it i's in the archives under 4/23/05 and it's called teddy and her picnic lol I hope you are feeling better good to have you back.......

sp1r1tbear said...

Pammy! I have already visited your blog briefly but no i didn't see the one about me yet, I am planning on reading deeper.... hehe yay a story about me *BIG HUGS*.
You are the second person to say you hope I am feeling better butI can't remember complaining that I felt otherwise, did I?
wow you must of pumped out a tale a day almost Pammy! once you start you really start huh:p

Anonymous said...

teddy is chatho

sp1r1tbear said...

*sighs. No anon.

Anonymous said...

lol that damn anon gets around on these blogs lol

sp1r1tbear said...

lol Pammy:p are you busy writing today?

J*A*C*K said...

Is that "teddy" or "titty"?

Anonymous said...

Teddy and Count are the same person.

sp1r1tbear said...

bi boy - !!:o Teddies have no tits:p. *HUGS*

sp1r1tbear said...


Look, you may all PROJECT whomever and whatever you want me to be, ok? But I truly advise and suggest that you focus on WHO the chatters are around you that claim they are your friends! rather than fret over who exactly some person may be THAT CHOOSES TO REMAIN ANONYMOUS ON A PERSONAL LEVEL.

Why is it always people that I don't know AT ALL that are fretting over who I am.

Anonymous said...

u only think that, no one gives a shit who u r but u

sp1r1tbear said...

thank you anon, and nice to see you on my blog. But no, I don't THINK that at all, I was merely responding to the numerous comments that I am this person or that person.

Future is now said...

wb teddy good to have ya back

sp1r1tbear said...

thank you Nuke and good to see you are no longer on "the dark side" :p *HUGS*

Anonymous said...

hahahahahahahaha nuke is still on the dark side he is tricking all you tards again/

Future is now said...

for the pussy hiding in anon i am not with the dark side and never will again i see you fuckers for who you are ,you bash suzy and radmax who have died this past year and you post info in the rooms ,your doing more to help the muslims then to hurt them i hope you realize this

sp1r1tbear said...

good one nuke;) and also to anon, who the hell are you calling a tard, me? your comment seemed like that of a reTARD to me. bugger off you are cluttering my blog with negativity.

Anonymous said...

how did radmax die?

Anonymous said...

Is Teddy really Countessa777 from NZ?

Anonymous said...'s cuntessa.

Anonymous said...

RADMAX slept with VICKIE4FEELS who slept with PATRICK4266 who slept with CAROL_THe_TaRDISH_LADY who slept with GINO who slept with JACKEE and soon they'll all be with RADFAG in herpes hell!

sp1r1tbear said...

oh sorry, i didn't check this thread for a few weeks *HUGS*

in answer to anon comments - I am not countessa the scot who sometimes lived in nz, although she is on my back this week because of all this mistaken identity! please see my clones post regarding her.

nor am I chatho who lives in america.

I really am sorry that just me here in the uk doesn't seem to be enough for some of you.


sp1r1tbear said...

is that the real cockslap?

Anonymous said...

cockslap slept with tomafag who slept with geo who slept with stinky winky whoo slept with fagmac who slept with trish the muslim ho who slept with freedyke who slept with herpesgirl 73rd who fucked every nigger on sight,did i leave anyone out

Anonymous said...

lol anon. well, pager has cockslap on the telephone recording uneditted, confessing that he NEVER had any sexual relations or even a flirtation with the countessa so that's one chatter he didn't do;)