Saturday, July 23, 2005

you will know them by their fruits.....

:)I got this beautiful pic from attilas blog.


Anonymous said...

thief. you steal pics from other peoples blogs. do something original.

Johnny Utah said...

Teddy didn`t steal that pic lol.She even gave Attila credit for having it on his blog with his blog addy,get a grip sport..

When I was a younger wee lad,those kind of pics gave me the creeps, because they seemed so life like I thought they were looking right at me:O

Anonymous said...

I'm looking right at you, Ethan.

sp1r1tbear said...

oh thank you special agent utahbear:) that'll just be chatdope or one of those hormonal jealous women. btw..... notice how tards usually accuse others of the very sins they are guilty of;)

I'm no thief. I am a highly original teddy, I have never had any issue being creative myself.

:) in fact, i'd quite like to start putting my own poetry up, but i would hate to see it twisted and warped by my maggot fans:(

I like to promote fellow chatters blogs at dif points. If you scroll thru old comments 'attilas camp' is not the first blog that I have endorsed at any particular time. I have also mentioned Pammys, Utahs, Mafias, Nukes etc etc....


Anonymous said...

it appears to be an automatic response for Teddy, when she posts ANYTHING, she refers to her source. I wonder if her sources always refer to their source.

Anonymous said...

teddy you have a very cool blog. i enjoyed reading thru the old archives of comments. and you present everything very well. beautiful pictures too, not counting the pat photoart lol:p

sp1r1tbear said...

wow, i am used to having to delete utter rubbish from some maggots but this is ridiculous!

how dare you post "c*** c***" a million times in one post UNDER A PICTURE OF CHRIST!

seek therapy.

Anonymous said...

:) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Give up guys. Teddy has no sex organs.

Anonymous said...

dont worry teddy. Christ already knows your a cunt.

sp1r1tbear said...

think of a new insult eh, try and have some creativity.

Anonymous said...

Utah, you are a stupid arrogant two-faced dimwit with bad vision. his eyes are pointing to the sky.

Johnny Utah said...
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Johnny Utah said...

Anon I said "those kind of pics" not that pic Teddy posted on her blog,learn to fucking read sport! :d not every pic of Jesus has him looking up in the sky,grab a brain Tard :d

Your the coward hiding in Anon,your the stupid arrogant two-faced dimwit..

Anonymous said...

I have been called the following...

LOOSER name a few.
People don't seem to like anonymous posters. LMFAO

Anonymous said...

you know blondie by her fruits and vegetables.

sp1r1tbear said...

yay greaseybear!!

Anonymous said...

I wuv u teddy >:D< my bear bear who loves me no matter how old i am . ;;) ttyl sweety nice site!