Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Pagerhell 'Issue'....

Now; I am not defending nor attacking pager, so let's get that straight first up;)

However, obviously many chatters have major issues surrounding this regular in our rooms, so I felt I should put the topic up for discussion.....what's your opinion of him?

I know that many of us believe that he took the shithada and went mental and converted to islam a few years back - I was travelling at the time and missed all that, so i don't know about that stage of chat sorry.

As far as I have ever seen he was always Christian, and I KNOW he is born from christian parents so...if he did go mental and convert to islam i just hope he sought medical advice at the time;)

Anyways, I only know pager from the rooms - we haven't pm'd ever that i can recall, so I am speaking as a neutral onlooker.

Do people really want Pager out? for real? Do people really believe that he turned muslim for a stage?

I wish Pager and Blondeblue the best of luck, whether together OR individually, and hope that some healing can take place between them so that Pager doesn't worry me in the room by threatening to hurt himself:(

Peace *hugs*

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Chat Addiction

Most of us in the islam chat rooms are obviously addicted to chat...right?

So, who is willing to admit to being an addict NOW or in the past?

Some tips for chat addicts includes [I'll write a more comprehensive list afterwards] -

Don't log in when you first wake up!!! make it one of the later things you do in your day

If you get logged OUT by yahoo, you really know you have been on waayyyy tooo lonnnggg.

Get up and walk away from your computer as often as posssible.

MOST IMPORTANT TIP = Learn to use ignore and really mean it;) you might be addicted to some toxic dribbling illiterate fool