Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Chat Addiction

Most of us in the islam chat rooms are obviously addicted to chat...right?

So, who is willing to admit to being an addict NOW or in the past?

Some tips for chat addicts includes [I'll write a more comprehensive list afterwards] -

Don't log in when you first wake up!!! make it one of the later things you do in your day

If you get logged OUT by yahoo, you really know you have been on waayyyy tooo lonnnggg.

Get up and walk away from your computer as often as posssible.

MOST IMPORTANT TIP = Learn to use ignore and really mean it;) you might be addicted to some toxic dribbling illiterate fool


Anonymous said...


Kathi said...

Chat addicts frighten me. They get way to serious over the goofiest things. Some not only need to walk away from the computer, but actually leave their homes for the outside world.

You have a very interesting blog,


J*A*C*K said...

I love my little titty bare. xoxoxoxox

sp1r1tbear said...

thank you Kathi:)

hey...are you Pat's Kathi?

lol jack:p peekaboo

Anonymous said...


Iam so glad I found your blog> I am looking forward to your post on hellz. Muslims lovers like him always lie and say they never sucked zaras ass and you and I were both there. We make a good united front girl! hugs


Anonymous said...

Pastor is not gay. it's not his fault he got raped in jail, Ok so he grew to love the taste of muslim dick, he was lonely lolol.and they were just teaching him about islam.ilmao, SAS has at long last came out of the closet, he now wishes to be known as betty smith, he likes floral dresses and flower arranging.and after a year of waiting he has joined the nhs waiting list for gender rearrangement, go for it betty

Donald smith (SAS's son)

Anonymous said...

hellz is sex/lies.

sp1r1tbear said...

yeah cg, lucky for me you were there too or he'd just deny it altogether.

it really was a shameless dick-sucking that zara received from hellz that night wasn't it?

i'm in two minds about actually doing a post on him though, he's already thinking he's important:p lol....

got my 'legal team' on the case though;) so we'll find out later what they uncover, lol

Anonymous said...

I OWN YOU ALL!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hellz and Scuba are married. Anyone really paying attention to them would have picked up on the clues. In the past,Scuba has typed in the chatroom in Hellz' id, it was very obvious. Other little things connected them during the time Freebird had her blog up. A lot of minor little things that unless someone was keeping track would easily be missed. They will deny it so pay attention people. Of course they are on the defense by now though.

Anonymous said...

HELLZ AND SCUBA ARE MARRIED????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Zaragoddess said...
I OWN YOU ALL!!!!!!!!

3:13 AM
Fuck off you dirty little clone. Get your coat.

It's great to be me and my only purpose in chat is to annoy people.

Anonymous said...

For any of you Brits who are interested there is another march coming up in November. Below is times etc. Am also going to print a letter from the last march by someone's dad, who has since passed away R.I.P. Apologies for the long post but just skip passed if you are not interested. At least it is a bit different than discussing muzzie lovers etc

Saturday November 17th, 11 am sharp at Tothill Street, ( St James Tube Station ).
We got a short route but a prominent route.
St James, past Houses of Parliament,down Whitehall past Downing Street,right onto Whitehall Place where we will have speakers.
This is not a football firm thing,all welcome,so long as you want our identity maintained.
St Georges day should be a national holiday,if we win the rugby on Saturday it should be be a national holiday on Monday,lets have street parties back for our kids,let our children grow proud and not confused.
We are losing our own culture,identity,others are dictating there way of life.
No to terrorists,no to Islam,no more frowning upon our culture.
Colour is irrelevant,if your proud of our great country then show in numbers.
No disrespect but sitting in the pub or at home moaning won t help.
Maybe this won t but lets have a go.
Make a stand and stand together.

My dad (RIP) wrote this when he was in the UBA may be of some use to you
by Mkcfc' son (Login mkcfc)

Throughout the history of this Sceptered Isle we the British people have constantly maintained our tolerance of new cultures and our refusal to bow to terrorism and foreign dictators.

We have over the years assimilated large numbers of Irish, Jews, West Indians, Africans, Sikhs, Hindus and Muslims.

Yes there have been problems but on the whole these groups have settled peacefully and there communities propspered and added something to our culture....except the Muslims.

I accuse the Government past and present of appeasement and turning a blind eye whilst there hate filled clerics incite there youth into acts of anti British behaviour.
I accuse the Police of turning a blind eye to the activities at places like Finsbury Park Mosque, where these clerics and there supporters can block roads to pray, can wear masks to hide there identities, can burn our flag with no fear of arrest and can praise suicide bombers and acts of terrorism against the Western way of life.
Let 50 football supporters walk out of any London tube station on a Saturday with there faces covered and see the reaction you get, slammed up against the wall told to remove caps, scarfs etc and S60'd.
Try burning the Koran and see what happens to you, I guarantee the Met wont turn a blind eye to that you will be in court before you can say what about them.
Try making a public speech encouraging attacks on muslims be it here or abroad and you will be arrested sooner than you can blink.

I accuse the left wing tree huggers and the PC brigade for making it so the honest hard working white man can no longer but a jam jar with a Golliwog on, for removing books from libraries so they dont offend anyone, for banning nativity plays so Muslims are not offended, of banning Christmas lights so Muslims are not offended and at my local Crematorium the cross at the gats had to be taken down because Muslims were offended.
Sorry Mr Muslim this is Great Britain, this is England take us as we are, love us or leave us.

I accuse Ken Livingston, yes I know what a rousing speech he made last week, but such a shame he did not feel so inclined when his IRA/Sinn Fein friends were blowing up Britain and plotting terrorist acts.
Nice words Ken but a bomb is a bomb, a terrorist is a terrorist, I care not for his colour or his cause a shame you pick which terrorists to befriend and which ones to criticise.

I accuse all those appeasers involved in the so called "peace process", why give into IRA/Sinn Fein terrorists and then expect other groups to not regard us a soft touch.
We released mass murderers and terrorists so the IRA would show some American a few guns in a field in the Republic of Ireland.
Loyal British subjects are banned from walking the streets of there own country to appease Sinn Fein/IRA.

Throughout history we the British people have withstood tyranny and dictatorship, when the Catholic pope tried to rule us we established our own religion and way of life, we stood against the Spanish Armada, Napoleons armies, the forces of the Kaiser in the first world war and when the whole of Europe capitulated or appeased Hitler we stood alone to fight for freedom and democracy.

I accuse the Muslim community for turning a blind eye to the Clerics and there supporters, yes big words of condemnation but always always tainted with pleas not to retaliate or excuses for the bombers saying it was because of Iraq and Afghanistan, rubbish, what have 4 British born men got to do with Iraq ? NOTHING.
These same Muslims did not seem to mind the Taliban murdering Afghans or Saddam Hussein murdering fellow Muslims it is an excuse and a smokescreen for there real intention of conversion or conquest.

I accuse every Briton who failed to heed the warnings from people like Enoch Powell and yes although I find some of there policies distasteful even groups like the old British Movement, the National Front and the BNP have warned about the growth of Muslim extemism and so many have not listened.

Well ladies and gentleman we have let them in, we have let them create there own ghettos, we let them send there young abroad to train as terrorists, we let them take away christmas from us and look how they have repaid us.

They blew us up..............

Enough is enough, now is the time to reclaim our streets, our culture, our way of life and our heritage.
I call upon all those who embrace our culture and value our way of life to shake of your apathy and make Britain great again.
It matters not your colour, your creed or background our way of life is under threat and we must make a stand.
Do it for your friends, for your forefathers who fought and died for us, for your families and for your children make this country a great place again.
We do not yield to terrorists we do not hide at home becuase of a few bombs, Hitler blitzed London and flattened Coventry, the IRA bombed London, Birmingham, Manchester, Guildford and countless other places but we did not yield, we did not falter and nor shall we now.

Cometh the hour cometh the man, well now is the hour so lets be men (and women), lets defend out great country one more time.
23rd July be there bring a friend, tell your friends to bring a friend, tell your workmates tell your neighbours...its time to make a stand.

Kathi said...

You are most welcome and yes, I am the Kathi dating Patrick.


sp1r1tbear said...

:/ oh, not the irish issue - i always have to explain that. :( *sighs

Anonymous said...

I put your link on my blog teddy. About time you post on your blog again my Irish princess.

sp1r1tbear said...

hey nuke, thanks a lot *hugs*

yes i will do a post within 2 days...

Anonymous said...

The welsh kick Irish ass.

Anonymous said...

Kathi said...
You are most welcome and yes, I am the Kathi dating Patrick.


2:48 PM
WTF? I thought I was the one dating Patrick.

Kathi said...

Amanda, if you really want to date Patrick, by all means have at it. He's rather a!


Anonymous said...

wot a shit blog

sp1r1tbear said...

fuck off then, tard.

sp1r1tbear said...

lol kathi, i bet he is a handful:))

best of luck to both of you. *hugs*

Anonymous said...

But see, you are not addicted Countessa, you are obsessed. You use Yahoo Chat to compensate for other things you lack in life; in a sense, sitting in a chatroom and becoming friends with a group of people you don't know, fills a social void in your life.

If you want to be "straight up" and honest, at least admit that I am right.

sp1r1tbear said...

quite emotional and bitter for someone who claims they "moved on".

ask around hun, i'm not in chat v much at all, and often gone for six months at a time! so...sorry, you're way off base:)

but ty for your sarcastic bitter input. peace