Thursday, July 06, 2006

What's Going On??????

Well hello kiddies *HUGZ*

I have been very very busy with personal issues and work, so I closed Teddy Tidbits. I'm back in Aotearoa now too. I have cruised through the rooms a few times though and I am waaayyy out of touch with the latest goings on, SO please feel free to update me on all the juicy goss, hehe :p.....

ciao for now peeps xxx


Anonymous said...

slayer should go to childrens chatrooms

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how Trish got mad at Toma for talking to Geo. She is such a LIAR! She has said SO MANY TIMES that 'She would "NEVER" tell anyone who to be friends with and who to chat with.'

She has told a lot of guys not to talk to so and so (always a female) because she suspects some whatever...(you know it's jealousy) and now she blows her friendship with Tomahawk because he chooses to stay out of the bullshit and talk with Geo.

I know a lot of you don't like Toma for infighting reasons but I like him and he hates Islam. And he says he has killed a lot of Muslims so he will ALWAYS have MY respect!

HEY! Maybe THAT's why Trish is mad at Toma - because he has killed Muslims! And she loves Muslims!
She contradicts herself and she lies like a rug.

Trish is especially mad at Geo because he exposed the TRUTH about her lying, manipulative ways and that just pisses her off!


sp1r1tbear said...

Wuvsy is old enough to be in any religious chatroom she pleases.

this is not supposed to be SEX CHAT!!!!

sp1r1tbear said...

ffs, now i can't get this advertisement button of my blog

*scratches head

Anonymous said...

anonymous is correct in all he said. that dirty rotten old muslim loving dog is going down!

Anonymous said...

cockslap could of had that dirty used up hooker but he didn't wanna pay her overpriced fees - including designer shoes before she would meet him in NY.

Anonymous said...

hey!! who's that bear? that's not me!