Friday, July 15, 2005

and the chat world evolves...


Anonymous said...

dank is hacking infidels.room10 has sunk lower.

sp1r1tbear said...

hey anon... from what i have seen of danky wanky, i doubt that retarded unpopular stoned angry little overgrown toddler could even hack his way out a wet paper bag.

Anonymous said...

hahaha at long long last chatdope has done what teddy told her, and reopened her own blog! [which chatdope swore she would never ever do]

thank god she must be taking her medication again. lol mental old jealous hag that she proved herself to be.

Anonymous said...

secret information for Teddy,

the sweet bitch that is always humping your leg? her name is Gemma.

Anonymous said...

Fuck off.

sp1r1tbear said...


Anonymous said...

fly and utah are having an affair.

sp1r1tbear said...

ooooooooooooohhhh eeeeeerrr i never knew :p hehe

Anonymous said...

Gemma is a right purty name. * Ribbit*

sp1r1tbear said...

is that the real froggy? *hugs*

sp1r1tbear said...

where has special agent utah gone? missing in action?

Anonymous said...

Blondie has Ethan tied up in his basement and she is sticking cucumbers up his ass while screaming "betwayed betwayed betwayed ........... "

flyonthewall9210249 said...


Anonymous said...

So ethna is having an affair with fly but i thought ethan was in blondies pants this is all too confussing ethan changes women like most men change underwear .Can someone remember to send out the chat memos on who is doing who in future so we can keep up lol

flyonthewall9210249 said...


Anonymous said...

Who's in Pammy's panties?

*sniffs Pammy's bicycle seat*

Johnny Utah said...

Teddy I am right here..
I am in the Room right now it seems calm,well that will not last once the Felon/Professor makes his presence known,getting on the mic pushing people around,you know the prison thing..

Fly I`m not even sure if you are a woman:|

As for Blondie,my it`s nice how the Tards like to chit chat about her and I,see heres the thing Blondie and I are Friends,this is something you Tards can`t grasp.:)

Go hump someone else`s leg..

Anonymous said...

I wasn't humping your leg ethan and i do happen to know the concept of males and females been friends I am not totally brain dead you know, so give me some credit here.In fact ethan us "tards "as you like to call us do know the concept and us "tards"also know when someone is taking the piss out of us and we laugh remember that concept ethan laughing instead of going on the defensive and jumping down ppls throats try it some time laughing is quite theraputic.IN fact we laugh at lot in room 10 guess you're never around to see it but hey maybe us so called "tards"aren't as bad as everyoen makes us to be .for the record ethan in case you can't grasp it i was been sacastic and takign the piss out of you lol

Johnny Utah said...

Pammy I wasnt` talking to you lol..
I was talking to abu the vet doc about the leg humping sorry i didn`t make that clear :))

Pammy not everyone is a Tard in 10. Only a few they know who they are..
So Pammy when I say "The Tards" that doesn`t mean everyone unlike the Felon/Professor tries to make everyone think it`s an attack against evertone,well it`s not :)..

Anonymous said...

Ask Pammy a question or comment on her panties and she writes a book.

*looks in a mirror and admires his naked hairy ass*

Anonymous said...


Anyone need a mercy fuck?

Johnny Utah said...

Pammy here are the Tards..

Ninety:The Midget..
Porkchops:The Poodle Fucker..
Dank:The Wigger..
OnetrueAmerican:The Woman beater..
Sas:Sashole(his status as Tard could change)

Is that you,or everyone else in the room? no it`s not..So when i say Tards it`s not you or anyone else..
Patwick likes to make it seem it`s everyone,well Do The Math because it`s not.. :d

Abu`s can`t hump my leg anymore,I am wearing protection :)

Anonymous said...

It is not wise to call Sashole a tard.
Damn..... I feel a draft. My ass is freezing.

Anonymous said...

What's in YOUR panties?

Anonymous said...

Lmao, SAS is the king of tards and your right he's far from wise. The illiterate shihead can't even spell.

Anonymous said...

Dank and Spin are having sex.

Anonymous said...

are dank and spin the parents of that damn baby abu that goes around pissing on everyone?

Anonymous said...


sp1r1tbear said...

no!!!!! :o they can't be lil baby abus parents!!! no way

sp1r1tbear said...

personally, i would never ever call Pammy a "tard". to me, it's short for "retarded", nothing to do with which room they are in.

sp1r1tbear said...

aw special agent:) there you are! I was worried about you.


sp1r1tbear said...

ps, i wouldn't call ol sas a tard either. anyone handing out anti islam information to the public IN REAL LIFE, is clever...not retarded.

good on him for handing that stuff out.

what are we all doing IN REAL LIFE to fight Islam?

sp1r1tbear said...

ps, i thought fly was a male but i have no idea either.

anyone supporting chatdopes filthy plagiarism and slander doesn't get too much attention from me.

Johnny Utah said...

Teddy yes,Pammy is not a Tard as others are not..

The Tards were named,they do not represent everyone else,if they did then other people would have be named as Tards..

Sas,well as I said his status as a Tard could change and Patwick might become King of the Tards,which has been his dream since his days in prison..

Don`t worry about me..

sp1r1tbear said...

teddy loves special agent utah so i always worry. *HUGS*

sp1r1tbear said...

yes, good point utah. If pat is named "king of the tards" his ol prison dreams will be fulfilled:)

flyonthewall9210249 said...

Oh, Teddy come now, tell me you don't really beleive Sas is out there passing out flyers? If he's passing anything it's gas. He'd have to leave his computer in order to do his community service.

Oh, and Teddy i go to all blogs, has nothing to do with how i feel about you. Chatho knows how i felt about what she did to your blog, i made myself very clear about that. Wrong is wrong, no matter which way you try to slice it.

Anonymous said...

*sprays fly spray all over the blog*

sp1r1tbear said...

stay the fuck off my blog, you perverted maggot, chatdope.

sp1r1tbear said...

you were heard, ty fly.

Anonymous said...

teddy is a stupid cunt

sp1r1tbear said...

yes chatdope, ty for your input.

i don't know how many times i have to tell it to stay off!

Johnny Utah said...
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