Tuesday, July 12, 2005

the picnic party goes on.....


Johnny Utah said...

If there`s a Picnic basket,better hide it,the Felon/Professor might pull a rusty butter knife on you trying to steal it..

sp1r1tbear said...

utah! roflmao

sp1r1tbear said...

i wanna lil pic like you have...how'd u do dat?

Anonymous said...

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Johnny Utah said...

Teddy look the Tards are acting like children,wow typical..

sp1r1tbear said...

yes utah...i only looked away for an hour or so too.


wot r they like eh?

sp1r1tbear said...

If these tards imagine that by pestering me by filling my blog with clutter, that they will force me to close it or leave, or ANYTHING AT ALL....lol

you don't know what will power even is.


flyonthewall9210249 said...

Room 10 has sunk to an all time low and i'm done with it. They have lost another room member . I'll just cruise from room to room and see what looks best to me. Tired of the disgusting shit that goes on in 10, when was the last decent discussion in there?

All good things do come to an end.

sp1r1tbear said...

I love the phoenix! I actually have used that name!


yeah fly, I refuse to get caught up in any room war bs now. be free :d

Anonymous said...

*scratches both heads*

sp1r1tbear said...

fly.... just make sure you visit teddytidbits every day or i may cry:p


Anonymous said...

Teddy... if my comment is clutter Sweety you can delete... Just thought i'd say with that comment that just as mine serves no purpose for discussion... neither do most of the comments here about you.

* mumbles coherently to others *

sp1r1tbear said...

lolo :p

Anonymous said...

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Room 10 is full of bad persons. I want my mommy.

*shits a load in the ol' diaper and crys for mommy*

Johnny Utah said...

Teddy I see you did clean up the mess..Chatho is one mean old battle axe! She is not what she tried to pass herself off to be,her myth was busted lol..

If you want to add a pic on your id,go into edit profile and look for pic you will see it,then look for a small enough pic in a image search on google or yahoo once you find a pic small enough copy and paste the link where it says,it should work then..

Johnny Utah said...

Well Fly,blame the downfall of the room to people like Patwick the Felon/Professor and Nike who gets on mic and making threats to everyone even saying he was going to slit the throat of a young woman..

Johnny Utah said...
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Johnny Utah said...
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Johnny Utah said...

Teddy I posted this on your hijacked blog/Chatho`s blog..
I know who and what I am thankyou very much.Your the one who doesn`t know who she is,when you first showed yourself,you came off as this very well educated woman,but after what you did to Teddy`s blog,and wishing she died in the London attacks,you showed your true colors that day..

Now your nothing more then a Mean Old Battle Axe,who has to resort to acting like a bloody child..

You think posting those pics on Teddy`s hijacked blog are funny,it only shows what a sick woman you are..As for the Blondie cucumber attacks,funny Tomahawk started those lies to attack her with,and now people like you reosrt to using lies Tomahawk from Room 1 used to attack Blondie..

So one has to wonder,were you friends with Tomahawk? I wouldn`t ask if you were a Room 1`r because be real it`s beyond lame to indentify anyone with a Room number.

You sure impressed Patwick with what you did to Teddy`s blog.So how does it feel having an ex Felon,who robbed good hard working Americans of thier hard earned money siding with you?

Patwick really must turn your crank the way he talks about women,I guess you had low self esteem as a woman to begin with.

You two are made for each other,The Mean Old Battle Axe and the Felon..

So in the end,Pastor was right about you..

Note:Sorry for removing the other 2 posts,I will not be replying again on this blog or your other blog,so feel free to stab me in the back as much as you like,another skill you are learning well from Patwick..Enjoy

Sorry for removing the other posts lol.

Johnny Utah said...
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Johnny Utah said...

Well sorry to burst your bubble Chatho when I defended you in the past, I did it because you didn`t show your true nature,now that you have I`m not sure if I was right or wrong to defend you when Pastor was bashing the hell out of you,yet at the same time it`s more becoming more clear Pastor was right about you..

I defended Teddy for 2 reasons,one the way you were fucking with her blog,and wishing she died in the London attacks,unlike you I know right from wrong and what you did was wrong,and the fact you don`t see that says alot about the woman you are.

I know who I am,and where I stand,you don`t.So look at yourself before you cut other people down.When you have another meltdown,as you did last time,you know the meltdown you told Me about in pm,don`t blame anyone but yourself..Enjoy

flyonthewall9210249 said...

TY utah

Anonymous said...

Ethan is just trying to get some blog/chat ass. Not that i can blame him.

Johnny Utah said...
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Johnny Utah said...

Chatho it`s okay,your reaction was good enough :d

Fly,thanks for what?

flyonthewall9210249 said...

Thanks for the info how to get a pic.

Anonymous said...

I wish I had a quarter for every time someone threatens to never post again or never chat again or never blog again and so on.

*whats in your wallet?*

Anonymous said...

I dont know... DOWNFALL seems a might too strong of a word. As of this writing, here are most of the names of the folks in our room who still are here and participating ( allbeit 4 or 5 who are in fighting mode with eachother ). Just off the top of my head, and in alphabetical order, so as not to offend ( hmmmm...funny i would think i have to worry about THAT ! ): Some names you may question because they haven’t been seen in a while however, some of THOSE are here working in the background ( Don’t ask me what they are working on – I wont say ). Those names that do not appear on this list, are by their own choosing, lest I give away who they are and what they are doing. You may question that last statement in light of the “ working in the background “ statement, but trust me, they are two separate statements and need not be explained.

Ace, Angel_Delany, Angelica, Alicia ( not ECHOS ), Ariel, BlondeBllue, Blondie( ur still with us ?? ), Brightstar, CGordon, Childer, Chatho, Crasha, Crusader, Dee, Dolly, Fly(chink), Jackee, JrJules, Julie and Julie, Katie, KC, Kountry Girls ( ducks to avoid flying objects), Lesa, Liberty, Liquid, Liz, Lokis, Lotus, London, Mafia, Michelle,
Nikky ( La La La), Pammy, Poppy, Raspberry ( hmmm), Sassy( cute butt ), Simply, Song, Suzyq ( in Spirit ), SweetDestiny, Sweetnpetite ( Muuaahh ! ),
Sweetlady_tiger, Teddy ( smiles and says Hello…LOL ), TigerLiL, Tisha, Vickie, Von, Widow

CW, Dan, Dank, Das ( that hurt! ), Dirty_Harry, Doing, Gary, Gino, Glock, Grease, Iron, Johnny, Kega, 90, Pada, Pager, Pastor, Pat, Porkchops, Radmax ( in Spirit ), Rudy ( don’t ask ), Santa, Sas, Shooter ( as much as it hurt to type ), Sign ( welcome back ), Spin, Spooky, Squeel, Thorz, Tweekin ( *whistles a tune* ), Wicker, Yeti

Johnny Utah said...

Chatho is making threats to fuck with my blog as she has done to yours Teddy..

Well that`s a threat,and only losers and Tards make chat threats like that,so it`s clear Chatho fits right in.She is more like her hero Patwick everyday,well I say hey Chatho making threats just shows how stupid you really are,infact your stupid as Nike with his lame ass chat threats of beating people up,theres no difference..Enjoy

sp1r1tbear said...

well, good evening my fellow islam chat cyber citizens:)

what's going on here then?

i see that the maggot can not stay off teddys tidbits no matter how often i evict it.

wow brb,

Anonymous said...

Chatho can't fuck with your blog. She can only fuck with a "copy" of your blog. All anyone has to do is ignore it.

Anonymous said...

oh is chatdope really an old old biddy? why isn't she behaving mature then?

sp1r1tbear said...

ethan! i never look at the blog with vd and beastiality pics on it anymore [ie chatdopes], but if someone posts on the plagiarised blog does it end up on mine? still?

Anonymous said...

Don't confuse Ethan.

sp1r1tbear said...

aw baby abu. *HUGZ* I'll protect you.

sp1r1tbear said...

ty for teaching me how to add a picture ethan, i'll go try it when i get a minutes peace. chatdope and co keep trying to post clutter.

Johnny Utah said...

Fly nice pic..

Anonymous said...


sp1r1tbear said...

"anon", i appreciate that you are an obsessed freak but please try and control yourself to only post your rubbish ONCE!!!!


sp1r1tbear said...


sp1r1tbear said...

countessa, hi:) look, if you read the whole blog you will see that I NEVER CLAIMED I AM YOU, so i'm not being an "imposter". you were here long enough, you know how they lie.....


Johnny Utah said...

Haha Patwick was bitchslapped by Ladyswain,serves the Felon/Professor right.. :d

sp1r1tbear said...

utah, i can't get the wee pic up:( so my words will have to suffice.

Johnny Utah said...

Teddy,maybe the pic was to large as in size to post..

If that happen,try a smaller pic,copy the link on the pic and paste it where it says to paste link for pic, see if that helps..

sp1r1tbear said...

I'll try it tomorrow luv. my brain is frazzled from deleting all chatdope and co's repeated "c***" comments........[also i don't think it'll accept any pics out my windows viewer, maybe i have to upload it to yahoo...]


i'm more into words anyways.

sp1r1tbear said...

well, at least when you vomit horizontally it doesn't take up so much space.

flyonthewall9210249 said...

Ty again Utah. Doing out of that list you just ran, half aren't worth the powder to blow them to hell anymore as far as muslim bashing. In the future dont include my name in that list lol, even though you dont know who i am. As of yesterday i no longer associate myself with the bullshit.

sp1r1tbear said...

lmao fly, "are not worth the powder to blow them to hell" :))

Anonymous said...

new mommy *farts* I need a fresh diaper

and fresh breast milk :d

Anonymous said...

teddy do you realise that one person is chatting on your plagiarized blog[chathos] as well as this one?

Anonymous said...

better look at your so called friends, teddy.

sp1r1tbear said...

no blog police, so can you just be straightforward and say who? i do not visit beastiality & std pic filled pirated blogs, that would be supporting it.


flyonthewall9210249 said...

LMAO i do beleive he was referring to me. Thank you for your input chat police it was appreciated, Since bashing Blondie is one of my favorite hobbies , i will go to any site i can to satisfy my "bash Blondie" addiction. So thank you for pointing that out.

BTW chat police it's because of bullshit like this that i have left room 10. When will you little internet Hitlers realize you dont rule the chat world, especially mine. I go and talk to whom i please , not who you illiterate bastards think i should talk to. When you pay my internet bill i might consider your crazy obsession, till then "Fuck Off".

Johnny Utah said...

Fly so you are really done with the room? well if you come back Nukey might say you Flip Flopped lol.The little internet Hitlers ,are they the same people I and others are thinking of right now? :d

Chatho the Bitter Old Battle Axe,hey :)

sp1r1tbear said...

fuck off you rotten old hoor! you know nothing because I use a fucking proxy.

off! shoo shoo! be gone...get ye behind me satan

sp1r1tbear said...

fly, that sounds logical *hugs*

flyonthewall9210249 said...

Utah, i have been done with the room basically, ever since Cleo was attacked they way she was. I have never in 4 years witnessed anything so cruel and vicious as that. They had no proof of anything Cleo supposedly did, yet they chose to attack her full force before they even knew what was going on. All over Jackie? A new person basically, over Cleo who has been there for how long now? The worse part was it was the "good" ladies of the room that really went after her, not the men so much. Ladies that until then, i thought were pretty decent people, till they all showed their true colors those couple of days.

Also i'm tired of the trash in the room, i'm sick of teeny boppers running bots and ruling the room, sick of drug addicts, the love life episodes of Gino and Jackie and Pager and Blue. Tired of hearing what Gino and Jackie want to do to each other and what Pager and Blue HAVE done to each other. WTF is that shit? Like we want to hear how the deranged Pager brings off the Looney Blue. For fucks sakes. The adventures of dumb and dumber and just a little too much for me to stomach.

So i have been enjoying traveling from room to room to see what is shaking. Have been running into a lot of old friends also, that used to just frequent room 10. It's rather enjoyable.

Anonymous said...

I love it when Pammy lets me suck her titty.

*pulls a turd out of his diaper and licks it - makes a face*

Johnny Utah said...

Fly you said it!
I saw some of the bullshit in the room back in Feb when I first started my Blog,since then as you have said the room has sunk lower and lower,it`s like a prison thing with Patwick and the Tards leading the pack..

The Attacks on Cleo were low,she did nothing wrong they attacked her because they could.If Cleo talked to Cockslap on the phone,why should anyone really care,that`s outside of the room and it`s no one`s conecern period!
Yet when she comes in the room,it`s not long till once again Cleo get the blame for something..

As for Gino,Jackie,Pager,Blonde and thier love talk,well why talk about it in the open? that`s something I don`t get..

The other rooms are unlike 10,that`s for sure.For some reason in 10,if you are not with certain people in what they believe,then your an outcast.I would rather be the outcast which I am :d..

flyonthewall9210249 said...

Amen Donkey, never have more true words been spoken.

Well now Utah, i was always told that whwn a man discloses his sex life it's for 2 reasons:
1. He has absolutely no respect for his partner.
2. He has to brag , because in reality he's getting none.
In Pagers case i fear both. Enough said on Pager.

BTW i visited room 1 last night and there was some major Muslim bashing going on by those so called "Muslim Lovers". And lo and behold, guess what happened?
Along came some of the "Good and true Infidels" from 10 and with in minutes the room was in chaos. Of course they bashed nada Muslims. But, to my amazement a couple of people called for room iggies and within minutes all was under control and back to business. AMAZING! Must be a trick or a secret how they did that, because room 10 has no clue. They would rather fight for hours on the same old bullshit, than to get back to the Muslims at hand.

Johnny Utah said...

Well Fly,I don`t know what goes on between some of the men and women in 10, it`s thier business but why they have to share the details with everyone I don`t know.You were right about Men,lol..

I have been in 1 now and then,it doesn`t make me a Room 1`r does it?Anyone can go into 1 or even 2,3,8 find Muslims to bash and have fun.I don`t think everyone in 10 are Tards,only a few are,this is something the Tards again can`t grasp.Calling a few Tards,doesnt not mean everyone is a Tard..

About the so called Muslim lovers in 1,if that means Freebird,Trish,etc yes right after 9/11 they said and did some things that would make them look like Muslim lovers ,that was almost 4 years ago,they could have changed thier views on Islam and Muslims since then..

Again not everyone in 10 are Tards..:d

Anonymous said...

Fuck me Ethan.


flyonthewall9210249 said...

I don't call either room tards. There are some very bright people in both rooms, but, they have let the freaks control things and in turn the rooms are fucked. It's time the people with the brains take those rooms back, or the Muslims will.

Great name there btw, MIA, your brains definately are missing in action. You fit right into that catergory of freaks i see. Instead of wasting your time being an idiot, you might try doing something constructive, as in going in the rooms and possibly bashing Muslims. Woe is you.

Anonymous said...

Flyonthewall is my daddy.


Anonymous said...

Do you know who my mommy is?


Johnny Utah said...
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Johnny Utah said...

Fly,Freaks/Tards in the end their all the same lol..

Yes there are some very bright people in both rooms,1 and 10.But these bright people would rather have the Freaks/Tards run the show..Being told who they can and can`t talk with,things like that..

The Muslims must sit back and laugh,or they get the hell out of there because the fighting scares them lol..

MIA,no sorry I don`t have sexual relations with anyone who is MIA..

Anonymous said...

Ethan is celebate?

Anonymous said...

Ethan doesn't want me.

*crys - drools*

sp1r1tbear said...

*takes baby abu to the child psychologist*


sp1r1tbear said...

personally, i use the word "tard" short for RETARD...regardless of which room the specimen is in.

Anonymous said...

*Pees on the psychologist and hides under his desk*

Bad man..... I want my mommy.

Anonymous said...

Keep that little brat away from me!

*shakes the pee out of his ear*

Johnny Utah said...

little baby abu,did you pee on my fucking rug? x-(

sp1r1tbear said...

babu abu even squirted in my handbag:(

sp1r1tbear said...

i deleted that. i don't know if that person has a dead son or not, but there will not be any sicko posts like that on my picnic.

is that chatdope being a freak? as usual.


Anonymous said...

I have a theory on the Abu clan ,I think they are an alien race ,sent down here becasue on their own planet they were not superior enough to be of any use lol I guess I shouldn't watch the mini series Taken anymore lol.
Think about it though ,they are kind of freaky ,and they seem to mutiply at the drop of a hat ,who else but aliens could do stuff like that lol.All I cna say is if they are the future then we are in some serious trouble lol.
Teddy watch out for the Abu clan though they tend to take over and try to wipe out species especially on blogs lol

sp1r1tbear said...

Pammy.....they are being just lovely actually, after all.


Anonymous said...


*sucks Pammy's nipple*

*makes contented sucking sounds*

flyonthewall9210249 said...

You REALLY dont want to hear my theory on the Abu Clan.

sp1r1tbear said...

yeah, go on fly....?

Anonymous said...

We are keeping a close watch on Flyonthewall.

*breaks out the fly spray*

Anonymous said...

I am not your damn mommy Abu baby whoever told you that lied,I think your mommy is ferret try her lol

Anonymous said...

Ferrett is my daddy.

*sucks his toes*

Anonymous said...

i think ferret is female but her nose could be your daddy.

Anonymous said...

Ok we should seek chat DNA tests to finally put the rest who the parents are of this ABU baby lol

sp1r1tbear said...

evening pammy *hugs*

my theory is that some nasty person started them off but the clan evolved into nice people.

Anonymous said...

I think we should help baby ABU find their real parents they must be worried sick about him out there in cybre space all alone.I think we should start a campaign and try and reunite them after we find out who the parents are lol

sp1r1tbear said...

public notice


I will not allow ANY bullshit about cancer or children on my blog. I allow funny clones of myself because i have a sense of humour, unlike you sick warped fucks.


sp1r1tbear said...

oh by the way, i meant of any real children.

baby abu stuff is allowed:p


Johnny Utah said...
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Johnny Utah said...

Teddy,theres no more leg humping?

Now about my rug..
Which little Abu shit peed on my Fucking Rug?

sp1r1tbear said...

yes :) they seem to know when they are beat.

Anonymous said...

everyone is just bored with your stupid ass.

sp1r1tbear said...

oh fuck off chatdope, but i commend you for finally giving up your teddy obsession. plagiarism is sssoooooooo pathetic.

Anonymous said...

where is that little fucker? he stuck my pencil sharpener in his dirty diaper.

sp1r1tbear said...

lol lil abu

Anonymous said...

*pees in his babysiter's ear*

Anonymous said...

I peed on Ethan's rug and he can't get it clean.

*baby farts*

Anonymous said...

allah akbar
*bends over prays to allah*

sp1r1tbear said...

aw lol too cute. *hugs*

Johnny Utah said...

Little baby abu,if I find you i will kick you like you were a Football(British Soccer)for peeing on my persian rug! That`s my wifes rug! shes pissed..

Anonymous said...

I want to be a naked French rugby player when I grow up.

*poops on Ethan's rug*

Oh mommy (whoever you are) I'm out of disposable diapers.