Saturday, July 09, 2005

a potluck tea party picnic, of comments from chatters.....

Well, in my opinion recent events are certainly "seperating the sheep from the goats", so to speak. Chatters true colours are becoming visible. What do you think?


sp1r1tbear said...

I recommend reading this...

Anonymous said...

die bitch

sp1r1tbear said...

you were heard. ty for yr input.

sp1r1tbear said...

i also recommend stopping by Pammys blog for a spot of escapism...

sp1r1tbear said...

abu lmao yer so cute:p It's just an old old saying luv;) it means that people are showing their true natures....


sp1r1tbear said...

ps to that anon..i deleted your shite comment. see my post on head issues.

so what if i am Counteza? who cares...

fuck off.

Anonymous said...

It was amazing how Shooter, last night, attempted to tell us Catholic Christians about Jesus and how stupid Catholisism is. He being not only Athiest, but anti-Christian. Someone with his background, that of a thief ( he cant even leave his own State - being on parole )and womanizer, has no right "preaching" to anyone about anything whatsoever.

Anyone with children should think long and hard before subjecting their children to the influences of the likes of Shooter. The way he speaks to the women in the room that he does not like, makes one wonder about the treatment that a women who is thinking of getting closer to him would experience when he is "having a bad day".

Oh, things may be all peachy now Hun ( you know who I speak of ), but that is how it always is when an asshole like Shooter is trying to gain your confidence, trust and love.

Hun, you started online, first without seeing him. And he portrayed himself to be someone he was not. Then gradually, after your feelings grew for him, that is when you learned certain things about him that you figured you would be able to live and deal with. I realize it is hard to dump someone after starting to have feelings for them, you feel guilty, etc etc. Hun, that is exactly what you need to do. Many have told you, and still more feel they should butt out for the sake of "friendship" and not pushing you away, although feeling the same as the others do ( I know, I have spoken with them).

You may say you have thought long and hard about your intentions. Hun, think longer and harder before making this trip.

My God, he was in the room last night saying how you and him would be in bed together soon. I'm sure you could "hear it again" if you asked. His comment, although made sarcastically ( hmmmm, was it sarcastic ? ) about meeting Jules or Julie when they both disappeared for a week and impregnating her was quite uncalled for in light of his "supposed" feeling for you.

How many more men are out there who would be an absolute positive influence on your children. If you hide Shooters past from them now, it will be a great letdown for then later when they find out the truth. And if you dont hide it from them now, what is that telling them? It is inevitable that you will receive the same treatment in real life, in close quarters, that the women online recieve from him. And your children will be there to experience it all.

You are still young and quite beautiful. Plenty of time for you to meet and develope feelings for someone else much more suitable for both you and your children. If I had a magic wand, he would be gone and you would have no memory of his existence. And a "real" man would be knocking on your door at this very moment. That person is not me, lest you and others think I boast of myself. For your sake and that of your two precious children: Please find it within you to think longer and harder about what you are about to do.

Yes, I'm butting my 2 cents in where you may think they dont belong, but a true friend will butt and butt and butt even at the risk of losing your friendship ( at least that is my feeling and how I live). I'd rather you hate me now and come to me later thanking me for my attempt on warning you, than to say and do nothing on your behalf. Honestly, although I concider you a friend, it is your children who most concern me. You are a good woman, and your children, if a man is to be in their lives, need a "real" man in their lives.

I expect you and others to ridicule me now and tell me how wrong it is for me to have said these things. I accept that. But all in all, I'd do it again, and again, and again.

I don't know your religious affiliation but, GOD BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU SAFE !

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

i thought jules ran off with pada for a week. you mean she really went to meet shooter? where was pada?

Anonymous said...

Just me. Hate me if you must sound advice from someone who is by the looks of it merely looking out for a friend .I don't think anyone can jump on your back for trying to be nice .but then that's my opinion and you also have to realize that Shooter is an adult and free to make his own choices as is the person he is involved with.IF and I say IF she decides to kick him to the curb then it has to be her choice ,but there is also a thing where the more ppl tell youto stay away from a person the more appealing that person becomes becasue they seem to get everyones knickers in a knot so to speak.You seem very genuine and I hope that you don't get attacked for your thoughts.
Now I am goign to rehash something that not all you like but tough shit ,the old Teddy is countessa shit.Personally I am not goign to jump on a band wagon adn attack becasue all of you attack. IF by some freak of nature Teddy is countessa then obviously she has turned over a new leaf. Countessa and I go way back on slagging each other off as low as you can go and trust me there were some very low moments.Who care who anyone is in chat unless you plan on meetign that certain person does it really matter who Teddy is.UNtil the suspicion was put out there all of youchatted to Teddy like she was a friend ,then someone says oh she's countessa and the throat ripping starts.
I like all of the ppl who are humping her leg and throwing out accusations and Iam not goign to take sides on this too many times I have been caught in the crossfire and copped the shit for it.
Teddy can hold her own when attcked and asll those who attack can hold their own as well ,but ask yourselvesthis though,IS it really the end all and be all to know who teddy really is ???
Now it'sa pada /Jules/Shooter love triange lol oh please do you pl watch too many soap operas or something lol chill out ppl and remember muslims are your enemy not each other.There finished my lecture for the day lol

sp1r1tbear said...

i told you chatdope.....

stick to plagiarising my work, AND STAY THE FUCK OFF MY BLOG.


sp1r1tbear said...

*smashes the maggot dope to the floor and spits on it*

Anonymous said...

Does Pammy work for Jerry Springer?

Tell Jerry about it.

Future is now said...

Let stop posting the personal info already ok what if some one gets seriously hurt??How will you feel plus if something does happen im sure that person will be in deep shit with the law.There are people out there who can track shit really good.Last time i checked we were all here to bash muslims not fellow muzzie haters.enough already

sp1r1tbear said...

to the abu that posted addresses...i had to delete your comment. I am sorry to delete your work, but I prefer to stay out of address posting and can not endorse it.

I hope you understand.

please feel free to offer up other input though.


sp1r1tbear said...

yes, good point nuke. one must also consider the legal implications.

flyonthewall9210249 said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
sp1r1tbear said...

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz don't you understand chatdope?

You plagiarising my work or posting filthy bs slanderous pics don't bother me in the slightest.

i am so sick of deleting all yer spew off my blog that i'll just leave it up.

I will take flyonthewalls advice and cease feeding into your psychotic frenzy. i started ignoring you ages ago actually, but still you obsess on..........


unoriginal maggot zzzzzzzzzzzz

sp1r1tbear said...

visit nukes blog to discuss theology etc.

flyonthewall9210249 said...

Chatho why dont you can the dumb shit allready? Your not swaying anyones opinion of Teddy. You either like her or you dont. What your doing is just plain bullshit. I'll be the first to tell you , you had a wonderful blog, and by as many times i posted there i'm sure you know i visited often. Not for entertainment as you presumed or for you to do my work for me, since i dont run a blog.

I enjoyed you articles and by the looks of your blog , you enjoyed doing it. So why not go back to something you enjoyed doing instead of turning this blog thing into another room war.

All of you ganging up on one person makes you all look like the witch hunt in Salem. Wishing death on someone isn't cool either. I'm sure you know the old saying, "What goes around comes around".

Who the hell cares who Teddy is? Do we know who Chatho is or Fly, or Julie, Pammy, Pada? Do any of us really know who the hell anybody in chat is? To be honest most of them i wouldn't want to know. 90% don't exist in my chat world either. We judge people in here for some stupid thing they might have said at one time, or who they hang out with, etc. That person we are judging could be the nicest person in the world, yet rumors and dumb shit stop us from knowing that person. I have found out one thing in these rooms. I listen to nothing or no one about another person. I find out for myself. I sit and watch and i try to talk to people on a one to one basis and that is how i make my chat friends. Not by listening to others lies and rumors and someone on the mic bashing the hell out of infidels.

Just sick of the infidel bashing it gets worse by the day, and what you are doing here Chatho is not right and you know it. Think about it.

sp1r1tbear said...

hear! hear!

sp1r1tbear said...

just me hate me if you must....

God Bless you too.


sp1r1tbear said...

abu the cute pig farmer in pearls.....

hey cutey, i am sure mafia appreciates your promoting her work, but if you want to copy anything from her blog you may like to add a footnote or some kind of reference to her.

mafia bride told me that yer pinching her work! lol, i'm sure you just meant to promote it though;)

see mafias blog here.....

sp1r1tbear said...

fuck off thief/liar/parasite chatdope. i do not negotiate with terrorists.

so take flys suggestion... forget me and reopen your own blog like i told you to, before you showed your true colours.

flyonthewall9210249 said...

Well shit, i tried to mediate this mess and i clearly see it's a lost cause. So my next suggestion is, i'm going to mind my own beeswax and let you 2 bash the hell out of each other:-)

sp1r1tbear said...

the maggot has to post on pastors blog or somewhere else..... I have been more than fair allowing it to deposit it's droppings here again. I hoped it would snap back to sanity but obviously not.

I told it to open it's own blog, NOT STEAL MINE.

sp1r1tbear said...

fly, i never address it, i only respond. and not very often coz it bores me. i'm not bashing it.


Anonymous said...

die bitch.

Anonymous said...

this is cool. every time a post is entered on chathos clone blog it appears on teddys blog. how did you do that chatho?

sp1r1tbear said...

chatdope, we all are born to die. please seek guidance from your doctor.

Anonymous said...

too fucking funny, nothing that teddy cunt can do about it.

sp1r1tbear said...

oh really police? cool, i don't mind free promotion.

Anonymous said...

Pammy.. you are absolutely correct. Before the whole Teddy = Count thing.... Teddy was liked by more than the majority of the room. Teddy was liked for how he/she carried and portrayed him/herself. Then something apparently went wrong between Teddy and someone and someone else suggested that he/she was Count. One by one the bashing started. One by one Teddy had to defend him/herself against nasty reamrks and comments possibly showing a different side in the process. What would you expect someone in that position to do? Some, those who hadn't yet really conversed with Teddy, bashed for no other reason than to just to join in. The "bandwagon" syndrome. Others bashed because they really felt that Teddy was Count, however not really knowing if its true or not. ( Noone has heard it speak on the mic so noone knows for sure who it is) Most of those being the same ones who accepted Teddy into the room as a "newbie". I talked to Teddy when it first arrived and continue to do so now. I however, DO KNOW who Teddy is. 100%. Without a doubt. But I didnt know when Teddy first arrived. Knowing who it is, I have no reason to jump on a bandwagon. Maybe, should Teddy at some point decide to reveal who they are, we will all have a good laugh. Maybe not. I'm certainly not gonna say who it is. I dont like 73rd and Trish, ect..etc but I could never call them the "C" and "B" and "T" words like Teddy has had to endure. But that's just me. My God... you dont even know if Teddy is female. ( <-- insert grunt and laughing smiley here ). Anyway... like you Pammy.... I've said my peace...

Oh, to JUST ME.... Well said. But like Pammy also said...Chill out a bit...You dont wanna bring them any closer. With God's help, Shooter will be playing five finger Mary rather than deceiving a good person. Ur right... he thinks he's fishing...baiting (decieving)...until the catch... Some play the game very well. To partially quote the Bible, "THEY PERSUADE WITH 'STRONG DELUSION' SO OTHERS SHOULD BELIEVE A LIE...Hopefully God will step in to put an end to it...No more need be said.

Anonymous said...

P.S....Teddy is a real lady !

Anonymous said...

Countessa was a very strong christian woman.

Anonymous said...

the tards could not sway her.

sp1r1tbear said...

may you all get the exact luck you deserve.

thank you friends, and secret supporters... I wish I knew who a couple of you were [flyonthewall and donkeyherder in particular] but i respect your privacy and thank you for being fair and just.


doing_what, and you are a true gent.


Anonymous said...

can we still post?

*scratches my balls*

flyonthewall9210249 said...

I shall remain in cognito also, since it seems to be the chic thing to do. Maybe if i'm lucky i'll get as much attention as you have Teddy, lmao. It seems there is nothing that stirs up the natives more than not knowing who someone is. Now Doing really has me going, because i did think you were Countessa. Seeing as Countessa and i never had a problem this was all ok with me.


Anonymous said...

That's the way to be teddy always leave them guessing lol

flyonthewall9210249 said...

Let's see now. It might be male, it might be female. It has a unique way of pissing all the hens off. All the Wenches are on a pissing contest to see who can hump it's leg the most. It's given Countessa quite a bit of noteriety, which i'm sure Countessa is revelling in it.
It's bigger than a bread box.
The one thing we do know for sure it's a Brit.

OMFG tell us it's NOT Sashole.

Anonymous said...

couldn't be sas he'd get on the mic that's a given lol

sp1r1tbear said...

omg, funny shit lol sas. yeah i'm sas:p

Anonymous said...

Teddy is Sas.

May Countessa rest in peace.

Pada and Jules are the same person.

Chatho carries a gun.

flyonthewall9210249 said...

Nah, can't be Sas, by now he'd be spewing snot all over his monitor. Ranting and raving and argueing with his imaginary voices. Eating on the mic, burping and farting. No that wouldn't do at all at Teddy's picnic. Besides, i'm sure he traveled to London, so he can come back and tell us how he helped track down the bombers.
(rolls eyes)

sp1r1tbear said...


sp1r1tbear said...

no, you are just a nobody.


i have deleted 50 of your comments in the past 12 hours. get a grip!

Anonymous said...

she is really too far gone. we can only recommend an institution now :(

Future is now said...

I see blondie the drama queen is back even though she told everyone she was leaving chat forever.You always have to stir shit dont you blondie.Is it because your life is so boring and empty just like you?Or do you pretend in that small mind of yours you control the chatrooms.Maybe if you didnt backstab people so much you would have friends.I once thought you were ok untill you decided to stab me in the back like you do all the people you know.Your headed for the downward spriral blondie and only you can stop that ride.....

Johnny Utah said...

nuke_mecca275 said...
I see blondie the drama queen is back even though she told everyone she was leaving chat forever.You always have to stir shit dont you blondie.Is it because your life is so boring and empty just like you?Or do you pretend in that small mind of yours you control the chatrooms.Maybe if you didnt backstab people so much you would have friends.I once thought you were ok untill you decided to stab me in the back like you do all the people you know.Your headed for the downward spriral blondie and only you can stop that ride.....

Nuke on the bash Blondie Bandwagon..
Nuke your one to talk about Blondie not saying she wasn`t coming back to the room,hmm I don`t recall Blondie having a thread on a blog saying she was done with chat,unlike you who did.So look in the mirror before you start trying to cut her or anyone else down for saying they would never come back to the room..

Blondie stirs shit? well she only seems to stir shit as you call it,are the people who only have the lies they recycle a 1000 times over with to attack her with,even using lies Tomahawk started about her.So these people who even use lies Tomahawk started about Blondie to attack her with ,hmm that must make them Room 1 people then.Theres also some people who don`t seem to have a problem with her,they accept her as she is.So Nuke which category do you fall into?

Blondie isn`t headed down some spiral,maybe the only one who`s doing that is you.Yes I am defending Blondie,because it`s beyond childish how many people like to get on the bash Blondie Bandwagon,shes not perfect but damn Nuke if you want to bring up shit about her,I`m sure theres maybe even worse shit about a few people could dig up about you if they choose to.

Defending Blondie doesn`t make me her boyfriend,i defend her because I am her friend that is a concept The Tards can`t seem to grasp..

The Tards can`t grasp the concept of Friends,because thier to busy backstabbing each other to maintain thier chat god egos..

flyonthewall9210249 said...

UTAH SAID:The Tards can`t grasp the concept of Friends,because thier to busy backstabbing each other to maintain thier chat god egos..

AMEN, You called that one right. I find it funny room 1 is always getting bashed by some, but it seems to me the friendships in room 1 continue to last. Very seldom do you see room 1 attacking each other and if you do, the next day it's done and over.
Maturity might be the answer to that puzzle.

Johnny Utah said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Johnny Utah said...

Well Fly,the Tards use Room 1 to justify everything they do,over and over.Now no one would disagree with the sick songs,clone names,etc that have been done in the name of Room 1,yet at the same time the Tards in Room 10 do not have clean hands..Yes they would back stab anyone to maintain thier God like Chat Egos.We all have seen that many times over and over.

If Cockslap is truly gone,that was the Tards biggest mistake,Cockslap gave gave them a reason to unite,now that Cockslap seems gone they are backstabbing each other at an all time high,trying to slit each others throat with a rusty butter knife..Room 10 is ending up into a Civil War while Room 1 and the Muslims can only sit back and laugh as Room 10 destroys itself,you can thank the Tards for that because they can`t grasp the concept of Friends!
The best thing to do is sit back and enjoy the show,then after all is said and done,and Room 10 looks like Europe after the end of World War 2,find the dead and grab thier Computers and wallets..

Anonymous said...

Some day soon Ethan will do something to piss off Blondie. She then will turn on him like she has done to everyone else that ever befriended her. Trust me.... it doesn't take much to piss off Blondie. When Blondie is pissed off at someone it is not pretty.

Anonymous said...

I can't decide who is cuter. Pada or Nuke. Someone should run a survey.

Johnny Utah said...

Pada ,can you not say sometimes you just sit back and watch those who we all know well,go at each other with a rusty butter knife wondering who`s going to loose more then thier head? after all is said and done..Room 10 is like U.S. Congress..

As for someone from 10 who flipped sides,would that comment be directed towards me?:P , sorry I didn`t flip no sides no Room 1,Room 10,I only picked out a few in 10,those few do not represent everyone in 10 as some people would like to think lol.

If that comment wasn`t directed towards me,well then hey I made another point,it`s all good lol.

Fly did have a point,you don`t see the people in Room 1 or let`s even say Room2,3,8 go after each other as the people in Room 10 do..

In the end it`s chat,for the rest it`s a lively hood,because theres nothing else..

Johnny Utah said...

Anonymous said...
Some day soon Ethan will do something to piss off Blondie. She then will turn on him like she has done to everyone else that ever befriended her. Trust me.... it doesn't take much to piss off Blondie. When Blondie is pissed off at someone it is not pretty

Anon,I have pissed off Blondie sometimes,and when that happens,she doesn`t turn on me,or have a meltdown or whatever you would like to call it,instead we get through it,sometimes Blondie pisses me off,and again we get through it because we keep it between her and I,it doesn`t have to be made into Chat Room Drama,as some other people do,instead we resolve it ourselves,so again your wrong..

Anonymous said...

Ethan is Blondie's boyfriend

Anonymous said...

pada is really a muzzie he is under cover

Anonymous said...

Ethan and Blondie seem to be acting like an old married couple. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......


*thumps his bible*


Future is now said...

Wow ethan can you possiblly get your hear any farther up blondies ass?maybe you will find a cucumber up there.Um i never said i was leaving for good i said i might .you might want to go reread that blog ethan.And im not jumping on the bandwagon ive been there for some time.Put ethan you always have had tards for friends....

Anonymous said...

pager is a muslim
pada is a muslim
ethan married blondie
blondie is crazy
teddy is count
chatho is freebird
freebird is a man
nuke is gay
trish is from the uk
anonymous is me
abu is a paki
pakis smell

Anonymous said...

I'm not a paki you worthless anonymoys cunt.

*kicks his camel in disgust*

Has anyone seen my nanny goat?

I will pee in your slurpie you worthless anonymous cunt.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


sp1r1tbear said...

>>deletes chatdopes comment AGAIN.

stick to your plagiarism. stop commenting on my blog.

sp1r1tbear said...

I don't believe chatdope is freebird. freedbird doesn't hardly know me but she was civil enough. this chatdope person says it has had it in for me for years!!! straight after it lamented over how my ass should of been blown up by the muslims.

i am quite sure it's not freebird, she seems cool.

but ty for your input anon.

sp1r1tbear said...

as for all this stuff about utah is blondies bf...well; i have no bloody idea nor do i care, but remember that he took my part when i was being unfairly attacked and we haven't even been in pm.

so i just think you are lil busybee gossips:p

sometimes people just stand up for what they believe is right and it's not based on personal feelings.

quite a concept eh?

Johnny Utah said...

Teddy well thier mostly Tards after all,that`s all they do is gossip,plan against each other,what more could anyone expect?

Yes I have defended you with no regrets,Chatho stepped way over the line,even going as far to wishing you died in those London Attacks,I know Patwick the Felon/Professor was very happy when she hijacked your Blog..

Some of the personal attacks they use against Blondie are what Tomahawk used,thier so unoriginal in saying anything of thier own, they have to rely on what Tomahawk said to attack Blondie,wow that has to make one wonder, do the math.

Nuke if defending someone is having thier heads up that persons Ass,as I am defending Blondie,then so be it.Your the one who flip flops like John Kerry ,you only take a stand when the time suits you..

Anonymous said...

Tisha...Is it really true? Are we you and I going to meet ? Hey, Im sure that was a rumor someone started, but it would truely be my pleasure to meet you. The person who made up that rumor maybe was looking into the future. :))

Oh, and I didnt take your comment up there to include me. I've said the things I had to say and will still light candles.

Be well Sweety....

Anonymous said...

how are things in hamilton teddy?

flyonthewall9210249 said...

Well now, all this excitement. I just have to put my 2 cents in. First of all, Pada, i do beleive you need a reality check if you think there are only about 8-10 people in room 1. There may be only about 8-10 old original chatters that have left room 10, but if you look closely they have managed to gain a lot of new people. And let's not forget room 2 has split and the oldies from that room are now united with room 1. Furthermore it doesn't matter how many people are in room 10 or in room 1. Room 10 has no clue about friendship or standing by one another. When 1 or 2 people start on someone they take after them like frenzied dogs. Let's not forget the Cleo thing, shall we.

How dare the bitches attack, Cleo, on a rumor that they had no proof of. But they certainly did, now didn't they? You can attack room 1 or 2 or 3 as often as you like, it doesn't change the fact they don't act like rabid dogs toward each other. Room 10 is known for it. You might go back and remember 73 and Fubar, who were 2 of the first people to come to chat after 911. 2 of the best muslim bashers there are. But, what happened there? They got disgusted with Patrick calling American Black soldiers "Niggers", and they stated how they felt. Next thing you know they are Muslim sympathysers, because they dared stand up to Pat. I was there that morning , i know what happened, and cheered the 2 of them on. About damn time people started calling it what it was.

I'm sure by now it's obvious, i do not like Sas. I for one blame him for a lot of the problems in the rooms. No one can argue that point, if you do, you haven't been watching what he has done for the last couple of years. Locking down room 2 and 1 and trying to blame room 1 people for it. And how many times has he locked down room 10 and tried to blame room 1, when it was his bots all along. People are so blind to his shit, it makes me sick. What makes me sicker, is the "sheep" tha follow blindly, because its the "in" thing to do.

And then we have Pager. Anyone that beleives anything that freak of nature has to say, is too far out there for me. Enough said on that subject.

A lot of good people have been hurt in these rooms because of rumors and bullshit. You have Sas for hours on the mic bashing a certain few people with his lies and inuendo's. I guess there is truth to the fact, you hear something enough times you begin to beleive it. The sad part is, NONE stood up to Sas and said, "wait a minute your bashing a American or your bashing another Infidel", nope everyone sat there and put their little number 1's on the screen and fed right into his frenzy. I watched many good people leave room 10 because of this.

I don't know the answer, but i do know this, I stay true to myself and the people that i care about in these rooms, some of you might try to do the same. There is so much petty bullshit going on in room 10 , no one remembers what the hell they came there for. And the Muslims sit very happily in room 8 laughing about London. (Sigh)

sp1r1tbear said...

Hamilton? anon

Johnny Utah said...

fly on the wall:
Room 10 has no clue about friendship or standing by one another. When 1 or 2 people start on someone they take after them like frenzied dogs. Let's not forget the Cleo thing, shall we.

How dare the bitches attack, Cleo, on a rumor that they had no proof of. But they certainly did, now didn't they? You can attack room 1 or 2 or 3 as often as you like, it doesn't change the fact they don't act like rabid dogs toward each other. Room 10 is known for it. You might go back and remember 73 and Fubar, who were 2 of the first people to come to chat after 911. 2 of the best muslim bashers there are. But, what happened there? They got disgusted with Patrick calling American Black soldiers "Niggers", and they stated how they felt. Next thing you know they are Muslim sympathysers, because they dared stand up to Pat. I was there that morning , i know what happened, and cheered the 2 of them on. About damn time people started calling it what it was.

As for Cleo,well she was easy to for them to blame,a few weeks ago Cleo was getting bashed because she talked to Cockslap on the phone,well really whos business is it if Cleo did talk with Cockslap on the phone?

The way Patwick pushes people around he learned well from his time in prison,and when he can`t push certain people around he resorts to bashing them until they bow to him or he runs them out..

Like you,I pointed out this out about Patwick months ago

"He calls Black Americans who serve in The United States Military Niggers,that`s right Black Americans serving in The United States Military risking thier own lives for this Felon freedom,he calls them Niggers!He even attacked a fellow Infidel calling her Husband a Nigger,who serves in The United States Military."

Like 73rd & Fubar I was called a Muslim sympathizer,which wasn`t shocking at all..

Then theres Sas,this is a guy who calls The CIA,FBI,U.S. Military Bases harrassing them with the chat room drama bullshit.
or calling the U.S. Postal Service trying to get 73rd fired,he does all this and people still think of him as some god of chat? lol.. Get real Imao..

What it comes down to is if you speak out against Patwick,Sas,Ninety,Porkchops right away your eithier called a Muslim sympathizer,or a Room 1`r,a pedophile and a supporter of pedophiles,or a bad Christian,or if your not a Christian,then your called even worse..

Anonymous said...

fuck you pada go cause drama thats all your good for. bitchboy.

sp1r1tbear said...

no, I created this blog. I am Teddy. go stir trouble elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

hey pada. it's quality not quantity, that count - tens a room full of felons and hookers.

flyonthewall9210249 said...

Anonymous said...
hey pada. it's quality not quantity, that counts.


Anonymous said...

I don't care what anyone in room 10 says i like Ethan ,he's witty and has many a smart asss comment that you just have to laugh at ,Ethan brightens up room 10 when eh breezes in has his say and breezes out again like the wind making everyoen wonder if he is just a chat ghost .
Teddy I have never had a problem with you ,you bring alot to the room especially when you're moody and go off at the leg humpers ,you show strong charactor and can hold your own.You make my time in chat fun with your witty remarks and responses.
Room 10 has become like the Gladiators Arena of late I sometimes wonder when i log in who's head will put on the chopping block next,there are certain ppl who like to keep the shit going and if you sit back and watch long enough you realize who those ppl are ,one minute the room can be fun and rocking the next it's a blood bath.
We infight way too much becasue ppl can't use their ignore button or we obsess on one particular thing until it gets to the point you have half the room on ignore and you end up talkign to yourself for some sanity.I personally think the problem is ppl want to be king of the room they haven't grasp the concept that it's chat,and out side there is a big bad world they should try and better themselves in .In the past I have part of the pack mentality ,but I have realized that the person that that turns you into in not a nice person ,now i just let them have their squabbles and shit and basically put it on ingore .
Room 1 may have it's shit but I think I am discovering room 10 seems have more shit and it's coming out on a daily basis.It's a room divided and many don't come into chat much anymore becasue of the childish shit that goes on and it's a shame because we have lost many good muslim bashers becasue of this crap.
Some of us in room 10 have managed through the room war to maintain friendships and rise above the rumours,there have also been alot of friendhsips severed becasue of rumours and bullshit and ppl not findign out from the person and listening to dipshits spout their crap about others .
All I can say is if this crap doesn't end room 10 will implode and one day they will be sitting there thinking wow i wonder where so and so is haven't seen them for months now ............

sp1r1tbear said...

hm, well i'm rubbish at riddles, so sorry i have no suggestions on that one.

but thank you for your input, donkey herder.


sp1r1tbear said...

aw, I'm not gonna get a gold star :(

Anonymous said...

so every women throws their husband out maybe???????Because they conclude their husband is cheating?????

sp1r1tbear said...

no, my brain turns off at maths... doesn't like it lol, i can only play word games. maybe one of the men know the answer.

Anonymous said...

I'm having a blondie.

*screams - pulls out her hair - jumps up and down - threatens to leave chat forever*

Anonymous said...

mandy is titty boy nuke bipolar boy

Anonymous said...

donkeyherder, is fly right?

Anonymous said...

Oh here we go lets throw accuasations around at who is posting under what id .Remember a lot of ppl don't like Blondie so line up the ususal suspects before you jump the gun but wait that's what anonymous ppl like to
jump the gun ,stir the pot and keep the shit going ,anyway ,perosnally i think if Nuke was going to post he's post under his Nuke mecca Id he doesn't haveo hide unlike some.......

sp1r1tbear said...

so flyonthewall gets the gold star?

sp1r1tbear said...

!!! donkey herder! :o are you being cryptic? are you hinting that now women are taking over the chat and throwing out all the men?


Anonymous said...

Teddy us women wouldn't do that would we ??? lol

flyonthewall9210249 said...

Ok now where is my booby prize? Maybe that's the answer for all the room wars, throw out the men. (Ducks)

sp1r1tbear said...

hehe pam wouldn't we?

sp1r1tbear said...

'saint' pat went off his nut at me for saying hello to that Christian, muslim bashing american lady, he never quits. then of course mr devil being the true devil he is, joined in....

*rolls eyes*

i have seen more maturity in a nursery.

sp1r1tbear said...

he even used the c word again. he's not that clever eh. hell, if i was him i would just attempt to avoid me, not irate me.

dumb ol paddy bitch.

Anonymous said...

you know what flyonthewall youmight be onto something there .Throw the mnen out and the room runs smoothly lol

Anonymous said...

Irate you? What the fuck? You sniveling slut, that's not proper English.

sp1r1tbear said...

perfectly suitable option.

sheesh chatdope yr kind has no flair or creativity.

ty for promoting my blog, still.


don't even try it to edit me, freak.

sp1r1tbear said...

I just prefer "irate" in that sentence, donkey herder. It's my language to do what I wish with. I was inspired to say it exactly as I did.

I like to freestyle and feel comfortable doing it.

peace :)

Anonymous said...

We will now sing "Mary had a little lamb". I will hum a few bars and then the rest of you can join in. Ready?

Maray had a little lamb little lamb little lamb and its........

sp1r1tbear said...

wow! donkey herder! you are so clever.... i may be forced to go search dictionaries like dopey does to try and keep up with you.

Anonymous said...

ah poor little teddy cunt can't take criticism.

sp1r1tbear said...

no. y o u c a n n o t p o s t o n m y b l o g.

and you may call me a nigga then coz i freestyle.

freaky lil parasite indeed.

wow, it watches my every single move waiting to jump/hump.......

watch and learn dopeyho.

Anonymous said...


sp1r1tbear said...

chatdope dont just switch to upper case to try and deposit yer crap.

you have your own lil plagiarised pervy version of my blog, so stay on it. no reason for you to comment here is there.

here's your link..stay on it

i truly pity you, it takes me a second to delete each comment but you are the poor sap typing them.

i am just chuffed that you find me so captivating....disturbing as your obsession is....

*wonders if chatdope is a dyke*

Anonymous said...

Teddy is chuffed? LMFAO

*rolls on the floor licking his penis*

sp1r1tbear said...

behave yourself tsktsk

sp1r1tbear said...

*hugs* abu

sp1r1tbear said...

I was thinking about actually bothering to write some poetry or something, for my wee fan, to show off and psych her out even further that her natural state. but alas, it does not inspire me:( and i don't wish to feed into its frenzy either.

Anonymous said...

hugs cunt

Anonymous said...

irate >adjective extremely angry.
-DERIVATIVES irately >adverb.
-ORIGIN Latin iratus, from ira 'anger'.

Anonymous said...

Yahoo! ID: ironwarriors_info Real Name: Darren Page Nickname: Irons Info Location: South Humberside Age: 23 Marital Status: Single And Looking Sex: Male Occupation: Whats an occupation? More About Me
Hobbies Being at utter imbecile. Stinking out my parents house when I should have left home a long while ago. Latest News I live at 18 Beechwood Avenue, Immingham, South Humberside DN40 2JR Phone 01469 510 142. I live with my Momma and Poppa Lillian and Peter. Favorite Quote My head is made out of a turnip

Anonymous said...

I see Ironwarrior is pissing some people off. LMFAOAROTF

flyonthewall9210249 said...

If you fart wrong in these delightful rooms your bound to piss someone off.

Anonymous said...

when did these blogs start?
who has the best blog?

*pulls down pants,smiles*

Anonymous said...

Looks at curious abu's tiny penis and starts laughing. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - MUHAHAHAHAHA

*rolls around on the floor licking his penis*


Anonymous said...

why is there a rash on my penis?

*licks own penis*

sp1r1tbear said...

oh my!!
