Thursday, July 07, 2005

Sad Day For My Country.

.unarmed bears...... we have ridiculous gun laws in the United Kingdom :(


Anonymous said...

i feel for you, you guys should be allowed protection. I'm so sorry about what has happened to the UK.

flyonthewall9210249 said...

We know the feeling Teddy, my stomach turned just like it did on 911. The world grieves with all of you today.

Johnny Utah said...

This is a sad day..This is Britain`s 9/11.Some people would say it`s not because the loss of life in 9/11 is greater,well you can`t compare numbers when Freedom is attacked in such a brutal evil way!
I have video of the leaders standing strong and not giving in to these Terrorists..

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with the United Kingdom, united we will stand agaist these filty islamic savages.

sp1r1tbear said...

thank you for your kind sentiment.... fly, utah and blondie. *HUGS*

Anonymous said...

i'm scared of germ warfare!

Johnny Utah said...

I watched this BBC DVD Docudrama a few months back called"Dirty War" It`s about a Terrorist Attack in London,where a Dirty Bomb went off spreading Radioactivity throughout Downtown London.The Ending was Downtown London had to be sealed off for ever.London and the Uk are lucky this wasn`t a Dirty Bomb,but what about next time? :|

sp1r1tbear said...

yes i agree, abu the pig farmer, and lol i love your wee picture! GORGEOUS:d

and yes ethan, once again you are right:(

yeah....I know it's scary brit patriot:( we just all have to stay strong.

thank you all for your input.

less and less crap is being posted on here now, it's becoming quality...i'm impressed.

flyonthewall9210249 said...

I remember waking up on 911 to devastation on the tv. I woke up again on 7/7 to the same kind of devastation. How many more mornings do we have to wake up to the evil deeds of these cowards?

You go in the Islam chat rooms and you still hear Islam is a peaceful religion. I am beginning to actually beleive these fools are brainwashed into truly beleiving this. They will remind you of the Inquisition and all the things the Christians did. But, they seem to forget how many centuries ago this was and the Christian religion has evolved to normal human mankind.

I don't beleive the Islamic people will ever become civilized. They don't want to. The Quran teaches them to hate, plunder, kill, etc.
And how do we as a modern western nation deal with this? Our sons, brothers, daughters, sisters are over there trying to liberate these people and dying in the process. For something i'm afraid has no chance of happening there.
I don't think an Army of western infidels is going to cure what has been bred into these devils for centuries.

Do we want to drop another Nuke, as we did in Japan? I honestly don't think we as a Christian civilized country want that on our conscience again. Are our leaders handling this the way they should? I don't feel they are, they are too busy playing the political correct and popular opinion game.

Nuking them is not the answer , but dammit letting them have it full force with other weapons everytime they pull a terrorist hit, wouldn't bother me a bit. What the hell are we waiting for? Maybe if they start realizing that there is a consequence for what they do, they might stop and think about it. As it stand now they get away with it. Nothing is done in rebuttel. Be like a child, they do something and get away with it, they'll do it again. Why the hell not, nobody is going to do anything. Let them get their ass bear for doing it, they might think twice the second time.

I for one am getting very disgusted with our government and other major govt's in the west. What are we waiting for? How many more terrorists attacks are we going to allow? Standing up and saying "We will not tolerate terrorism", sure as hell isn't stopping it. Show them we are not going to tolerate it might have a different effect.

Anonymous said...


sp1r1tbear said...

why the fuck is the maggot persisting on LIVING ON MY BLOG.


I REPEAT>>>the maggot chatdope may copy my work etc BUT STAY OFF MY BLOG!>>

unoriginal reject.

Anonymous said...

Is Teddy having a blondie (meltdown)

sp1r1tbear said...

teddy never melts down, dream on.

Anonymous said...

*passes chatdope prozac and a gun

Anonymous said...

*click..... BANG! *

Anonymous said...

We have strict gun laws here and they became stricter after the Port Arther shootings years ago ,I can understand why the governement pulled the reins tighter on gun control but hell they leave us with no way to defend ourselves should they need arise .
Thing is no matter how tight gun control is here you can always buy weapons illegally and not register them that part the governement hasn't caught on to properly .It makes me wonder if the politians were put in a situation where their lives or the lives of their families were put in immidiate danger would they sit there are go "damn we need to be allowed to have gun"or would they merrely say "Gun control is working "while been held up by some drug crazed lunatic with a un registered illegal firearm ...........

Anonymous said...

gun control is understadable but after waking up and having some one kill one of your famliy mebers i would go and get a gun a kill them