Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Chatdope the blog thief, minus dictionaries.

chatho in contemplative mood. pondering the use of sanctions and the gradation of said sanctions.

looking lost and forlorn without her dictionaries:(

picture and leading statement are donkeys so thanx to the donkey. dat donkey kicked dat chatdopes ass


Anonymous said...

chatho has some kind of vd clitoris picture on the blog that she hijacked!!!!! wow, i expected more from her :- i was impressed with her until this piracy and slander on innocent chatters, ah well.

Anonymous said...

why is chat ho obsessing on Teddy and writing poetry about Teddy and posting dirty pics on her link and hijacking blogs [teddys now, whose next?]? i thought she was cool. Well Teddy you can take it as a compliment sweety! look, you have taken over her hateful dimwitted jealous brain and her blog, all with out even trying by the looks!

sp1r1tbear said...


Anonymous said...

DAMN IT. When are you going to feed me? When are you going to clean up all of my donkey shit? Lets get on it people.
Damn that Pada is cute. I'm in heat Pada (wink wink).

*rubs her wet ass all over the farm truck*


Anonymous said...

Perhaps ferrett is a terrorist.

Anonymous said...

wow teddy, i didnt you you WUVED your donkeys so much.

sp1r1tbear said...

I don't even know who or what the donkey herder is;) thanks.

Johnny Utah said...

Chatho I can`t believe you said that to Teddy"Too bad your ass didn't get blown up."
Your acting more like the felon/professor everyday,why?

Anonymous said...

This post has been removed by chatho

flyonthewall9210249 said...

Chatho has shown her true colors. Now wishing death on fellow infidels, in light of this horrible day in London. I think it's time we totally ignore the nasty Cunt and stop giving her the attention she thrives obviously.

Teddy stop posting here now and let the cunt make a bigger jackass out of herself then she allready has. Don't feed into her psychotic frenzy any longer.

What a low life peice a trash would wish death on a fellow infidel on a day like this? I beleive the nasty bitch is a Muslim.

sp1r1tbear said...

ty again utah and fly :( freaky shit eh? and woah tacky timing. hellish day:( shock.

fly, did you mean by stop posting just stop responding to the freak?

sp1r1tbear said...

shit!! you think she could be a muslim herself? wow yeah, well...know them by their fruits, look at all this shite! if she is ferret is ferret muslim or what? i never ran across the ferret, not that i noticed. this chatdope claims she has had it in for me for years!! wtf? oh and
*HUGS* luv u2 ty for your support, much appreciated.

sp1r1tbear said...

fuck off , don't capitalise on our tragedy to try and make yourself look better and not anti brit. we are not all donkeys like you EWWWWWAAAAAHHHHH as donkey says.

f u c k o f f

sly illiterate dope.

sp1r1tbear said...

we know what we have prevailed against in the past! we don't need your ignorant catty ass reminding us how great we are, just to suck our british arses after all your anti brit sentiment. up yours you desperado try-hard!

sp1r1tbear said...

frankly mr dear.... you have no charisma, you are not inspiring! i won't be writing poetry back to your obsessive illiterate ass so screw your silly suggestion.

you are not worth my time.

Anonymous said...

Teddy is not the smartest idiot in the village.

Anonymous said...

This post has been removed by teddybearzpicnic

sp1r1tbear said...


sp1r1tbear said...

correction = *twit. how many times do i have to tell you to fuck off?


Anonymous said...

teddy isnt even the smartest idiot in her own house.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

fuck chatho , you have made a complete fool of yourself. wtf

Anonymous said...

the felon thief patwick is praising chatdope the internet badass blog plagiarist. like attracts like.


Anonymous said...

no m o w a l s. m o w a l s patwick

you betwayed you betwayed, again.


Anonymous said...

I don't understand how to get to these blogs. I tried putting that address in chatho and go no where. What's up with that?

Anonymous said...

Learn how to read.

Anonymous said...

This post has been removed by the blog administrator

J*A*C*K said...


Anonymous said...

Chatho2005 is a stupid twat, who has a obsessive compulsive disorder, shes a fucking nutcase! She has shown her true colors wishing someone would have blown up in the tragedy in London she is a sorry ass cunt I hope someone finds her and beats her to a pulp! She is a jealous, over bearing, bitch with a piss poor attitude. She has shown herself to be exactly like the low life pieces of shit in room 10!

sp1r1tbear said...

lol that's interesting. ty all for your varied colourful individual input.

i really like the abu clan now lol

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

As you can see chatho2005 seems to hate you so but keeps posting on your blog, stupid dumb cunt, do us a favor and kill your sorry old ass because your a pathetic piece of shit whos from what I hear is 51 and not married, what does that tell you all? She is a loser and no man can even stand her sorry ass.

Anonymous said...

chatho kill yourself no one likes you you stupid ugly bitch.

Anonymous said...

All terroristic threats will be fully investigated and turned over to the blog attorney as warranted. Homeland security may also be brought in.

Anonymous said...

SIGN_YOUR_DAISYCUTTERS_HERE who's real name is alex is passing out his mother's address it's:

314 Logan St.
Dennison, OH 44621

The scumbag hick trash lives there when he is fired from a job and that happens a lot! LOLOLOLOLOL

This dirtbag has been in the joint for drugs, his brother murdered his girlfriend, he is on prozac and he got it up the butt from a guy in group sex. He ran out to his pick up truck and cried after it happened!

sp1r1tbear said...

anon talking about chatdope.............good point but don't worry i'm not letting her post anymore. that parasite can stick to stealing my work and looking up words in her dictionaries.

the illiterate pretentious evil wench has certainly shown what calibre person she is;)

Anonymous said...

oh blondie you stupid twat. you are in your 30's and never been married because no man wants to marry a tired old whore like you. where is this boyfriend that you seem to have and yet you are showing your skank self to men on cam? what a fucking skanked out used up whore you are

sp1r1tbear said...

oh look, the thread is turning into negative bullshit that YOU plagiarist freak , chatdope?

Anonymous said...

ANON 6:49 PM
Is this the same blondie that seems to have a fondness for cucumbers and has been 29 for over 5 years now and thinks everyone wants to see her saggy naked body on cam?


Johnny Utah said...

Anonymous said...
oh blondie you stupid twat. you are in your 30's and never been married because no man wants to marry a tired old whore like you. where is this boyfriend that you seem to have and yet you are showing your skank self to men on cam? what a fucking skanked out used up whore you are

I don`t see Blondie`s comments anywhere.Blondie doesn`t have to hide behind a name like a coward unlike you my friend.

Typical getting on the Bandwagon attacking Blondie,gee your original you must be a worthless piece of shit having to hide in Anon attacking Blondie or everyone else.Yeah say what you like about me,as if I care because your the one hiding under Anon attacking Blondie when you don`t know a dam thing about her,the only thing people like you know about her,are the lies people spread about her,and using those lies to attack her again shows your an unoriginal person,who never had an original thought in your head to begin with.Go somewhere else and act like a Tard Sheep!

Anonymous said...

Do you think Ethan is Blondie's boyfriend? Of course something else could be going on. Blondie doesn't show her tits to just anyone on cam.
Blondie is good at sucking people in and then spiting them out. Ask Geo, LOL.
Also lets make sure we are all talking about the same blondie. The original Blondie who lives somewhere in the St. Louis area and has been in Islam Chat and St. Louis Chat for years. Ask Patrick about her.
Blondie..... if your out there defend yourself.

sp1r1tbear said...

wow.... i turn my back for a minute and the tards switch from slandering me to bashing blondie! ffs....

Personally, I am not the type of personality to be entertaining men on cam, but it's a womans free choice in our western societies. So, "judge not lest ye shall be judged". Are you all perfect Christians?

You are sounding like MUSLIMS bashing her for anything that she MAY of done in the past. sexism is foul.

Considering the freaky warped collage of sick lies that you reTARDS spread about me I won't be believing ANY HEARSAY!

*HUGS* to all semi-sane chatters.

Anonymous said...

Blondie is a predator.

When one says someone is having a blondie it means they are having a meltdown. LOL

Anonymous said...

if ethan is blondies boyfriend they do hide it from the room sparing us the i love you baby garbage gino & jackie feel they need to share making everyone sick.

*thinks of gino & jackie pukes in bucket*

Anonymous said...

When are you going to get naked on cam? We could make some money, baby.

*counts his money.... 100 - 200 - 300 - 400 - 500 - 600 - thousand ........... *

Anonymous said...

Abu the Drunk is gay.

Anonymous said...

Trust me. You don't want to see Blondie from St. Louis naked on cam.

*throws up and then licks it up off the floor*