Sunday, July 17, 2005

Chatdope enjoyed her spanking. The picnic carries on....

the chatdope getting spanked lol...... [hey, at least this art isn't beastiality/std clit site porn or plagiarism, like she puts on her blog] ;).............. slandering other women in a sexual manner is quite odd!!! don't you think? I mean from what is supposed to be a mature 'lady', hm... let's hope she stays on her medication this month:)

feel free to post any comments/information, or raise any topics you would like to discuss here....



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hahahahahahahahaha teddy bear

*rolls on floor licking himself happilly*

Anonymous said...

Teddy! your getting a bit naughty now hehehehe

Anonymous said...

teddy cunt stop writing shit about me on your blog waaahh wheres spin i'm hot hot hot. i'm booting you bitch

Anonymous said...

bratho has gone back to doing her own blog, not just copying yours and slandering you etc.

Anonymous said...

Gemma whores information is coming soon. dirty old skank.....:))

sp1r1tbear said...

dopey, SHOO! SHOO! SHOO! omg what kind of exterminator do i need:(

as usual, your demented wacked out comments are deleted! chatdope

Anonymous said...

It is obvious that chatho must have sexual fantasies about blondie and teddybear, hence the fantasies she portrayed about that being teddys clit, and the pictures of the cucumber up the vaginas as really being blondies pussy. She is one sick bitch.

I advise blondie and teddy to avoid her unless they want to engage in online lesbian cybering with old battleaxes like chatho.

Anonymous said...

ironwarriors_info Real Name: Darren Page Nickname: Irons Info Location: South Humberside Age: 23 Marital Status: Single And Looking Sex: Male Occupation: Whats an occupation? More About Me
Hobbies Being at utter imbecile. Stinking out my parents house when I should have left home a long while ago. Latest News I live at 18 Beechwood Avenue, Immingham, South Humberside DN40 2JR Phone 01469 510 142. I live with my Momma and Poppa Lillian and Peter. Favorite Quote My head

Johnny Utah said...

Patwick is jealous of Tiger Woods because he is a successful Rich African/Black American who has a great career who married a beautiful wife..

Haha sucks to be Patwick a Felon/Professor Racist piece of Shit Tard! :d

sp1r1tbear said...

abu pig farmer, aw...lovely ty :)

special agent utah...yep;) very true lol

sp1r1tbear said...

and yes chatshrink! excellent diagnosis. eeeewwww

Johnny Utah said...

Patwick is the Cliff Clavin(Cheers)of the room,the guy thinks he knows everything when he knows Jack Shit!

Sorry Patwick`s degree from The University of St. Louis isn`t real he is not a Professor..

The only degree he has is from Con College lol..

sp1r1tbear said...


Anonymous said...

Put a lip lock on my anus orfice and start sucking.

Anonymous said...

Teddy, your friend?? nuke mecca is on the slanderer thiefs blog!

Anonymous said...

haterz_gamble=chatho2005 plaid_dragon46=chatho2005 she likes to bash von under plaid dragon. chatdope doesnt like any women more intelligent than chatdope could ever be.

Anonymous said...

wrong again, Blondie.

Anonymous said...

Blondie the cucumber queen hates anyone, man or woman, who tells her to fuck off and take her insane fucked up brain and saggy titties with her.

Anonymous said...

you should see the spanking teddy bitch is getting on the new blog!
too fucking funny

Anonymous said...

Does my penis count as a topic?

Anonymous said...

Who's on YOUR blog?

*rolls on the floor laughing and licking his penis*

Anonymous said...

*shows his ass and pees on the rug*

Anonymous said...

anon, hardly. bratho has resorted to lies and slander again. ie, the slanderous slur that Teddy would ever send out pussy pictures to men, and the claim that teddy lives in Hamilton, uk.

both are false.

teddy owns that womans brain.

Anonymous said...

stalking teddy.

Anonymous said...

teddy, hide from your stalker!

sp1r1tbear said...


sp1r1tbear said...

ty for telling me, blog police.


Anonymous said...

I'm Batman!

sp1r1tbear said... are deleted even though you are using "anon". fuck off. go hump my leg on another thread.