Monday, July 18, 2005

*SINGING* "She musta been a beautiful baby but look at her now"....

the chatdope has moved on, from surfing for cucumber sex and beastiality/std clit site porn to staged theatre puppetry orgies with stuffed animals...................................................................................

..................................... !

check out how obsessed she is.

Now... the more sane chatters objected to her filthy porn pics, so she has resorted to setting up some hot cyber action with her stuffed toys!!! what chatdope does in the privacy of her own bedroom is her own business but WTF! why does she PERSIST in sharing what she is into sexually, with us?

*covers baby abu's eyes and tells them to be wary of sex filth and not look*

I have no idea what to say. *sighs*

also, she is in the rooms hiding in her various names trying to ask me about being a "plushie", but I don't know what a plushie is??? do you? did the illiterate, dictionary dependent rule stickler freak get another word wrong?

May I suggest as well as a psychologist that the maggot seeks the advice of some sort of sex therapist. can we say "issues" lol

I was perfectly nice and civil to her until she started this rabid leg humping. hm I did nothing wrong. So, na nah na nah na :p, she started it and I am glad that I triggered her off into revealing her underlying hues. utter tard.




Anonymous said...

you know what a plushie is bitch. you send clit pics out to people. you are worse than a plushie.

sp1r1tbear said...

chatdope if that's you i will actually speak to you tonight because i am quite amused by your latest ode to me.

so please do explain, what is a plushie? did you mean plushy?

any woman that sends out or posts filthy clit pics should be shot! that's crass beyond vulgar, but teddies have no clits!

come on, i even asked blondie and she didn't know! so explain what a plushie is, freak.

Anonymous said...

Miss teddy this is a public service announcement ..
Please be on the lookout for the stoend glow in the dark Abu brothers ,do not approach i repeat do not approach.If you see these brothers please remember for the moment all they are looking for in munchie food ,simply throw them some doritos and lock your door .
Thank you Miss teddy and be safe

sp1r1tbear said...

under cover blog police, thank you very much for the warm wishes and I appreciate the alert.

I will not approach.


Johnny Utah said...

Teddy you keep changing your template why? lol

sp1r1tbear said...

well utah....i don't want to have the same template that my little mimicking maggot fan, chatdope has on any of her links.


Johnny Utah said...

Teddy she is humping your leg,she thinks shes funny,well shes not again she is showing her true colors so don`t keep changing your template because of her,that`s what she wants you to do.It`s a game to her,ignore her and she will go away..

Having said that Patwick had a nice meltdown today lol..Poor Patwick betwayed,ohh he was betwayed :d

flyonthewall9210249 said...

I have made a decision. I have prchased 2 357 Magnums. Next Sunday at high noon Teddy and Chathoe will meet in room 10 , square off 10 paces and let the best woman win. In case of rain they will square off with their mics and i'm sure the entertainment will proceed. All proceeds will be donated to a psycho clinic to help defer some of the fees for some of our nut cases. $15 a head come rain or shine.

Johnny Utah said...

Fly are guns really needed? lol
They can have a clean CatFight,like the video on my Tards blog :d hehe.. you can charge $25 a head and make a killing lol.
Men love CatFights Meow..

sp1r1tbear said...

yes utah, you are right. but it's funny watching her trying to keep up with me:p hehe


which one do you like best? [template]

sp1r1tbear said...

no ty flyonthewall.

*looks regal*

Johnny Utah said...

Teddy it doesn`t which template I or anyone else would like,it`s which template do you like?

Do your own thing,I like the green one but hey that`s me lol..

Teddy think about the CatFight,Fly can set it up,I will tape it then post it on my blog lol..

Fly needs a blog,she has great points of view..

sp1r1tbear said...


flyonthewall9210249 said...

Ok, give you 2 a real quick peek, to determine my sex. "Peek", that's it, make up your mind now.

Anonymous said...

Agent Utah you are been called back to active duty .Your mission should you decide to accept is to protect Miss Teddy from the Abus .This tribe is armed and dangerous and should be treated as hostile.
Don't under any circumstances allow them to pee on you or near you,they are genetically altered and their pee is like acid .You must protect Miss Teddy it's a matter of national blog security .
This message will self destruct in 5 ,4,3,2,1 ..

*mumbles damn it who forgot the self destruct on teh secret message again ,these budget cuts are no good ppl I can't work like this


Anonymous said...

utah must ask blondie before he accepts any mission she controls him.

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha you are leading chatho on a right merry dance! lmao

Anonymous said...

no such word as plushie so chatho was wrong.

sp1r1tbear said...

oh agent o , you guys are cute:p but what does Miss Teddy need protecting FROM exactly? should I be living in fear of the baby abus turning mean to me, I fink they are just loverly now muah x

sp1r1tbear said...

no donkey herder, check the context they say it in, i think it's some kind of sexual perversion...


sp1r1tbear said...

chatdope actually gave me a laugh today though, the stuffed animal sex show was quite funny:p

Anonymous said...

PLUSHIE: Blondie the Cucumber Queen.

Anonymous said...

Miss Teddy the Abu babies are innocent pawns in a game ,you must just be protected from the slime that will infest your blog .We are not sure if the Abu clan are working alone or whether they have help from perverted individuals,please miss teddy allow us to protect you ,we may even recruit you as we have seen how you can handle any situation thrown at you maybe you shoudl consider a job undercover .......

sp1r1tbear said...

oh, well i think i would be quite suited to such a vocation actually.

thank you.


Anonymous said...

I know where you live you low life cum swallowing camel humping retarded pig fucker!

*spins head and around and around and around while spewing green matter out of his mouth*


sp1r1tbear said...

omg! call Father O'Spankdababyhard, right away!

Anonymous said...

fuck you patrick fuck you patrick fuck you patrick

Anonymous said...

*gives Blondie the Cucunbew Queen a mewcy fuck*

Thewe..... that should calm hew down. Blondie makes me vewy vewy angwy some times.
Do you need a mewcy fuck, Teddy?


Anonymous said...

google plushie, you stupid cunt, and find out what it is. i agree with chatho, you probably are one.

Anonymous said...

My return is near tards and payback will be a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Johnny Utah said...

Hahahahahahaha Teddy nice Felon/Professor pics Imao lol..

Anonymous said...

cockslap a islamic ho

Hey doooofus yah hoooooor.....

get it right..... its


get a job, cunt

sp1r1tbear said...

ty utah. my thanks goes out to the extended technical team, working tirelessly to bring light to tardsvilles citizens.

sp1r1tbear said...

oh ok ty anon, i followed your advice and googled plushie, lol oh wow.

wot a bunch of freaks!

ps, just cause it's listed under google does not mean it's a proper word.

i would post the link to the "plushie" freak site but i never endorse porn.

sp1r1tbear said...

cockslap was/is a right bastard with many flaws, but illiteracy wasn't one of them. so yes, i agree with anon, that cockslap there is obviously a clone.

Anonymous said...

bratho is posting real pornography on her site again. a picture of some elderly real life woman in a bondage situation. that's not art.

Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... I love teddybear ass

*covers the cum stains on the bed*

Anonymous said...

lol i got a clone but its true i will be back soon enough and ty teddy for all the info you have given me on the tards you will be rewarded.

sp1r1tbear said...

If that is the original cockslap.... he is just stirring as usual, lol:p because as you all know, i don't even pm;) let alone scout around for "info". I merely offer an impartial area on Teddy Tidbits to raise certain issues from Islam chat, and I endeavour to sustain a clean fair unbiased viewpoint.

Anonymous said...

I see the cockslap clone finally got the name right. LOL

sp1r1tbear said...

SHOO!!!!!!! ho

Johnny Utah said...

Teddy any response from the Felon/Professor on these pics?lol

For the record,about me supposivly being Scottish Canadian,I say look at who really is saying that it`s the Tards"Ninety,Patwick,Porky" they say it because Scottish and I happen to have the same views on those Tards,and I posted something Scottish Canadian wrote on my Blog,it`s now on my Tards blog near the bottom..

The Tards start their Witch Hunts because that`s all they have lol..

Anonymous said...

Ethan and Scotish sound like the same person on the mike.

flyonthewall9210249 said...

Anon get your ears checked lately? I understand there are free clinics for that type of thing, if you cant afford it. If you think Scotty and Ethan sound alike i suggest you hurry on down there. They say the last thing to go is your hearing, so your possbly 75% brain dead allready.

sp1r1tbear said...

agent utah....interestingly enough, patwick has gone a bit quiet on me.

sp1r1tbear said...

flyonthewall...I don't think i have ever heard special agent utah on the mic, but i have amazing ears so if i heard him i would know for sure after two syllables. I sense that they are most definitly two different people though, and my intuition is usually correct.

I have zero respect for that canadian wannab-scottish, bisexual lying bitchboy shit stirring canuck. but I respect agent utah, he is very cool.

sp1r1tbear said...

definitely* [better correct typos before chatdope comes along with her spell checkers]

Anonymous said...


The last thing to go is your penis.

Anonymous said...

teddy is deleting and barring comments again.

sp1r1tbear said...

yes, chatdope has her own blog about me to play on.

Anonymous said...

and now you are copying her while she is copying you. how fucked up is that?

sp1r1tbear said...

i have never ever copied her for anything, i have no need to. If you mean the furry bum pic, well, gotta admit that was cute and quite fitting for me:d

my thanks to chatdope for furry bum pic [but if you read my statement WITH IT it makes it quite clear why i posted furry bum].

once again you are lacking comprehension skills.

where has baby abu gone?

Johnny Utah said...

Teddy keep this template it suits your Scottish or Irish heritage because it`s green..

Take a look at my Tards Blog,and see the thread about Patwick I changed something on it,thanks to you :)) =))..

Anonymous said...

Patrick thinks he is a History Professor,the only degree he has is from Con College.Patrick likes to talk to Women about thier personal hygiene(periods)very personal shit like that.He has no respect for women at all,no wonder he has been married 5 times.He calls Black Americans who serve in The United States Military Niggers,that`s right Black Americans serving in The United States Military risking thier own lives for this Felon freedom,he calls them Niggers!He even attacked a fellow Infidel calling her Husband a Nigger,who serves in The United States Military.Patrick likes pushing people around telling them who they can and can`t talk with,he also stabs people in the back,then when it`s done to him,he plays the innocent victim.He likes to bring up the death of 2 Infidels in the rooms,again and again,using thier deaths to justify hating people from Room 1,making himself out to be some kind of Hero.(Yes people who make clone names etc of the 2 who have died is sick)but that doesn`t give him the right or anyone else the right to use thier deaths for thier own gain.If you don`t agree with Patrick,he calls you Anti-American and a Room 1`r.If Patrick can`t get the mic,he has meltdowns,and leaves the Rooms again acting like the innocent victim.Patrick thinks The World is only Black and White,he needs a Fucking Wake up Call,its 2005.
This is a Tard!
posted by UTAH at 10:48 PM 1 comments

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

ironwarriors_info Real Name: Darren Page Nickname: Irons Info Location: South Humberside Age: 23 Marital Status: Single And Looking Sex: Male Occupation: Whats an occupation? More About Me
Hobbies Being at utter imbecile. Stinking out my parents house when I should have left home a long while ago. Latest News I live at 18 Beechwood Avenue, Immingham, South Humberside DN40 2JR Phone 01469 510 142. I live with my Momma and Poppa Lillian and Peter. Favorite Quote My head is made out of a turnip.

J*A*C*K said...

Why does everyone in chat seem to live at home with their parents?


Anonymous said...

We wish iron would get the fuck out of our house all he does is jack off to porn websites and eat everthing in the fridge and he wont get a job unless its a blow job from the town hookar.

Johnny Utah said...

Fubar was in Room 10 today talking about Terrorism and the London attacks as everyone else was because it was a serious issue,well Porky had to start attacking her with how she was a Muslim sympathizer,shes from Room1 and a supporter of Pedophiles etc etc,the same bullshit the Tards like Porky always whine and bitch about..

So when people wonder what the problem is it`s little Biatches like Porky(Tard) who have nothing better to do but bring up bullshit that`s 4 years old.Yes Porky and the other Tards can be put on Ignore,but once they start their Tard bullshit,it doesn`t end because then everyone else has to jump on the Bandwagon,which ends with the room having infighting and Muslims laughing once again..

Anonymous said...

But Porkysan got his ass kicked today by Von. Who came out straight away and called him a trouble maker and a liar. The Jones boys and Skull also let him have it. All is good.

Johnny Utah said...

Anon damn I missed that,maybe Santa taped Porkysan getting his ass handed to him..:d


sp1r1tbear said...

porkysan? who is that?

Anonymous said...

Porky is a Bitch,first off if you dont agree with him,right away he calls you a Room1`r ,a Muslim Sympathizer,and a Pedophile,and a supporter of Pedophiles. Porky uses that word Pedophile so much, one has to wonder if Porky is one himself, maybe the local Police where Porky lives should look into it,because Porky is to stupid to realizie how very serious that word is,and it shouldn`t be used so easily to attack people,Porky also likes to talk about other people`s children,ask Skull about that. Porky went to Vietnam to buy a wife,since Ameircan Women turned him down Porky went to a 3rd World Country and bought himself a Wife.Jesus,what kind of loser would do that? Porky who else.When The 2004 Tsunami hit,Porkchops thought it was great because Muslims were killed.3 things Porky doesn`t have the Intelligence to realize.1.Over 200,000 people were killed,Muslims or not that is not great.2.Most of the Muslims killed were children,so Porky thinks it`s great children were killed. 3.Not only Muslims died,Tourists from The United States,and other countries died.
This is a Tard!
posted by UTAH

sp1r1tbear said...

ahh the other one with the nappies on;) ok

Anonymous said...

teddy wots nappies?

sp1r1tbear said...


Anonymous said...

When are you going to change me nappie, mummy?


sp1r1tbear said...

am i yr mummy now?

Anonymous said...

You put a picture of Jesus on the same page that you post pornography?

sp1r1tbear said...

I have not posted pornography!!! ever!!! SKETCHED ART is hardly pornography, not by anyones standards. How dare you imply I would do such a thing!

On Teddy Tidbits I put various tidbits [i suggest you look up the word] you judgemental rude lil ignoramous.

Anonymous said...

you forgot the *hugs*

Anonymous said...

The picture of Patrick sucking another mans cock is pornography

sp1r1tbear said...

oh yeah anon? you must have great eyes, i see no penis or anything...lemme get my spectacles.

thanx to the tardsville technical team for patrick pics, they work tirelessly to bring light to tardsvilles citizens;)

Anonymous said...

Due to the pornography on this blog we will be forced to cancel our sponcership. We suggest that all other sponsers do the same.
Thank-you for your support.

Anonymous said...

I hope God forgives you, Teddy. We are all praying for you.
(that looks like a penis to me)


sp1r1tbear said...

bloody hell, lol are you mormons?

Anonymous said...

As I am so politically correct and don't want to be acused of having blog favourites lol I visited Nukes blog and chatho's and thought i'd drop in and say hi to teddy before someone scurries back and tattle tales that i have posted on other blogs and not this one lol
What was I thinking not posting on everyones blog how can I live with my shameful self over this lol
Seriously though I am not caught up in any fight between anyone or takign sides with anyone I am merely me ,yes I tend to frequent Nukes blog a bit more often but that's becasue he challenges me to blog debates (which i must add i sometimes win when he's generous and lets me )lol
Alot of ppl are readign more into things in chat then what is there ,but then alot of ppl put their personal lives out there for the world to see and judge ,I may play silly in a chat room but it's all good clean fun and I certainly don't mean to step on anyone toes or ruffle anyones fur so to speak.
The blogs are getting well shall we say different latley and it is always fun to read them and see what everyone is up to they are like a meetign place of the minds for the want of a better word.

sp1r1tbear said...

Pammy, you have never ruffled my fur. *hugs* i hope you arent listening to chatroom bs luv, i never mentioned being ruffled by my Pammy :d

flyonthewall9210249 said...

OMG, Pammy you mean the rumor is not true? Imagine that! I just don't understand how it cannot be true. Dammit i heard this in Islam chat, dont you dare go and bust my bubble now and tell me it's not true. You may find yourself responsible for my having to seek therapy. This is bullshit, if it's said in Islam chat rooms , it means it is carved in stone dammit. How could you?
I'm so flustered now, i've probably lost all trust in chatrooms. Oh, dear, how am i to survive? DOUBLE MOTHER FUCKER!

Anonymous said...

Ninety likes to think he is the best Christian in the world,if he doesnt think your a good Christian, he attacks you,even if your not a Christian he attacks you,and what you believe in.He has to know about other peoples personal and private lives,until he does he will bagger you,and start a Witch Hunt.Even if the person gives him an answer,he will continue to bagger that person until he gets the answer he wants.He is Anti-Catholic,he`s also Anti-Atheists saying they have no morals among other things,because they don`t happen to believe in a God.Ninety hates smart Women, if there is a Woman who has a mind of her own,her own point of view,Ninety doesn`t like that,so he has to tear her down,to make himself feel better.In The End, Ninety always has to be right,because everyone else is always wrong..
This is a Tard!
posted by UTAH

sp1r1tbear said...

lol fly:p

sp1r1tbear said...

I like ninety just fine, from the little i have seen personally, but his friend liquid definitely crossed the line yesterday.... trying to claim the Holy Catholic Church was warping our whole religion by daring to be giving Mother Mary EQUAL status to Christ!!!!! as well as other utter rubbish. her information was bigotted, warped, perverted twisted blatant lies. then she posted some outlandish sourced links trying to back up her vomit.

the only suitable term for her sort is the American term "white trash".

what blasphemy! Thank God brightstar was in the room to set the silly wench straight. then on realising that Brightstar and myself are mature ladies dared to suggest that maybe only younger Catholics are privy to such knowledge, lol!

guttersnipe. she will never again clutter my monitor.

Anonymous said...

lol that's me chat bubble burster it's a TOUGH job but someone has to do it lol

Anonymous said...

Miss Pammy, our services are available.

Anonymous said...

I think 90 is cute. Do you think he might be a virgin?


Anonymous said...

Omg lets not go there gay lightning lets jsut not go there

flyonthewall9210249 said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
flyonthewall9210249 said...

flyonthewall said...
Teddy, Liquid is a 24 year old , dumb as a post cunt , who knows all.Does not matter what subject is discussed in the room, she's done it, been there , has the T-shirt. Every subject or comment in the room she has to analyze the Liquid way. Someone needs to buy the bitch a muzzle

sp1r1tbear said...

:)) flyonthewall, she certainly is a very odd woman indeed,

Anonymous said...

*farts all around the blog and fans it around with my shoe*
