Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Have a jolly good giggle....

You all must check out utahbears blog at the moment LOL!!! Aren't you all a bit sick of the "info" posting and freaky obsessing on other chatters that goes on in Tardsville, zzzzz. It just isnt healthy:(

Go on...don't be so serious, have a chuckle at yourselves...


Anonymous said...

yeah brooklyn;) there are 2 posts with ironwarriors real info on her blog but she keeps hacking our comments off about doing butts with her little chat axe lol.

sp1r1tbear said...

i dont know iron and he was humping my leg, raving on about countessa like a goony. that's why i let his info go up on teddy tidbits.

"little chat axe"? hm, is that you chatdope?

J*A*C*K said...

jolly jolly jolly jolly

I need some chat/blog ass.

sp1r1tbear said...

OFF SHOO!!! chatdope, yr the one that needs therapy. get back to reporting on my every move with your wee toys...

sp1r1tbear said...

jolly jolly dr yugo! gorgeous picture bi boy:p

Anonymous said...

Teddy just my opinion but when you allow a so called leg humpers info to be posted and then say it's wrong for ppls info to be posted does sort of put you in the firing line a bit (no offense )You did say in one of your previous postings way back that you wouldn't allow ppl to post info on your blog ....
I am not been critical so don't take offense just pointing it out..

Anonymous said...

Oh criticize the cunt!

Anonymous said...

funny how chatho doesnt delete teddy cunts posts off her blog but teddy deletes chathos, that is just sooooooooo countessa.

sp1r1tbear said...

ty pammy *hugs*. but honey, the ironwarrior one REALLY was nasty to me and fired at me with his friends help for ages. it was beyond the regular leg humping scenario. I am not Jesus, that little queer deserves all he gets.

sp1r1tbear said...

fuck off anon, i don't bloody comment on the plagiarists blog! i DO NOT SUPPORT someone who has gloated over london bombings and lamented it was so sad i wasn't in London to get blown to hell! etc etc etc not to mention the std clit pics the cucumber up vagina pics etc etc!!!!!

"so countessa" lmao you are turning her into a descriptive term now? kinda like marilyn or elvis:p lol

Johnny Utah said... has invited you to join the muslimz_paradise group!

As Salamu Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

We Would Like To Invite You All To Muslimz Paradise, your Online Islamic Family. We muslims are here to Strive for Islam. We are here to Unite this ummah.

This group is away from all kinds of sects and divisions,Allaah says: "And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allaah (i.e., this Qur'an), and be not divided among yourselves." Surah Aali-`Imraan [3:103]

Our aim is to stop tumult and oppression and try to be united as one nation, As the Quran talks about it:"And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have Turned you out; for tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter.... (Chapter #2, Verse #191). So our aim should be to Stop it not be a part of it,As the Quran says: And fight them on until there is no more Tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah. but if they cease, Let there be no hostility except to those who practise oppression. (Chapter #2, Verse #193)

BarakAllahu Feek;
W'ssalaamu'alaikum W Rahmatullahi W barakatuhu

That was in my email lol..

Anonymous said...

the above is from geo the spic

Anonymous said...

Gemma(sweetnpetite ho) is kicking doing butts faggot ass to the kerb at long last. doing butts get some new chat ass

Anonymous said...

cunt-teddy keeps deleting my comments. she must love that brooklyn peds shower cam loooonnnng tiiiimmmeeee

sp1r1tbear said...

i don't watch anyones shower cam, fuck off. all i deleted was his address, nothing else.

Anonymous said...

Teddy *hugs*

sp1r1tbear said...

wish you would ALL take the "doing what" chat to his bloody blog. i am sick of deleting!!!! he was wrong to use my name in the post leading into his little list of who he considers to be "room ten people", is that why you are choosing to make comments regarding him HERE on teddy tidbits?


Anonymous said...

you are being a total bossy cunt just like countessa. you keep deleting our comments about that brooklyn ped off and you said you were fair! wtf you arent fair! a address isnt clutter so whats your excuse?

Anonymous said...

Steve Morales
469 41 St
Brooklyn NY 11232
718 854 7796

Anonymous said...

Teddy.. dont post under other names. Have a bit of courage. If your postings concerning me are to upset me... not happening... and if you are going to continue... no problem.... Jealousy is so unbecoming.... If its a laugh you want others to have.... Then laugh they will... It sometimes pays to keeps records.... If you want this...OK ! We dont always realize the things we want nor the things we rather not have wanted.

sp1r1tbear said...

doing...... i think everyone around here is going loony today ffs. i understand the irish and english tempers running high but ffs dont you start next!! i'm not EVER making a comment about you, scroll back !! i actually have had to delete loads of shit about you. you go around fucking with ppl then close your blogs comments like a COWARD whilst making a reference to my blog so all your leg humpers end up on here, u fucking idiot.

who would be jealous of you?


what on earth are you on about?

sp1r1tbear said...

oh ps. get off my blog. teddy tidbits isn't for your sorts room dramas, gossip, and all this bollox.

you are the one that started it with cockslap and his supporters bs here, and you just PUBLICALLY insulted me so i am certainly not stressing myself out editing the blog from all that lot posting stuff to you. ungrateful sod.

sp1r1tbear said...

i am watching Gerry Adams, live. wow!

sp1r1tbear said...

lol veiled mafioso style threats from the big man in chat... you keep records:p yes i know you have every single pm archived back for about 7 years, we all know that. yer threats have zero effect on me. do what you like with them. zzzz

sp1r1tbear said...

go reopen your blog, take it there, this isn't cool. i have not painted anything of you, i dunno what's going on with you but yr talking utter shit.

Anonymous said...

cunt-teddy always posts to herself under diffent names. Fuckin sociopath

sp1r1tbear said...

lol ty chatdope, attentive as ever.

Anonymous said...

lmfao the cunt thinks insults are attention LMFAO

sp1r1tbear said...

yes retard, it's called negative attention to be exact, you really are quite stupid underneath the dictionary aren't you. zzz

go read Freud or something. learn basic psychology.

Anonymous said...

I will repost my comment to you on my blog then Teddy... and i will again ask you if you want to keep this public or private.... think long and hard about it... keeping in mind things you said even last night... hint: "being here" or not "being here".

Your making this public Teddy not me... Ur the ONLY one who knew anything... O.N.L.Y one...

Betrayal: To divulge in a breach of confidence....( referring mainly to those who have had some form of friendship )

I've not betrayed you Teddy.... Shame on you !!

sp1r1tbear said...

i'm the only one that knew what?

sp1r1tbear said...

i don't get yr hints, at all. you just love always being in the middle of drama don't you? why the fuck couldn't you pm me with yr bs? wow shame on you

sp1r1tbear said...

first you write posts mentioning me in the introduction to yr "room ten room list" folly, now yr saying you wanna go write more about me on your blog, how the fuck did i end up being a bloody muse? lol

Anonymous said...

Teddy you know perfectly well what we spoke about last night... and i DID pm you today... if you chose not see them that's on you... not me

Anonymous said...

cunt-teddy, the backstabbing puddycam slut

sp1r1tbear said...

i got no pm's from you today, none. i use yazak, u always go off at me for yazak stuff!!! dont you? remember i took you off my list. so i didn't choose not to see anything.

i very rarely pm, you LIVE your life in pm!! BRING BRING BRING!!! it's doing on the mic. i regret EVER pming you now, by the way. i believe i confided i am of fragile physical health right now, if you wanna use that against me...go ahead. don't make veiled threats and innuendos.

sp1r1tbear said...

stay away from me. i never betray any confidence, EVER!!! IF i was the only person who knew about you getting dumped or whatever then WHY THE FUCK did you ask me if I knew about it?????!!!!!! quite a few ppl know dumbass.

leave me alone. how dare you insinuate i would betray your confidence. i have real life stress, i have no time for these games.