Thursday, July 28, 2005

Welcome to Teddy Tidbits..... *hugs*

Please try and play nice, but take any freaky folly to other more negative flavoured blogs...

I'm bored with the nursery school level room wars etc, and Teddy Tidbits is mine. Also note that Teddy Tidbits may be shut while I am offline, in order to avoid too much clutter. It is open for all chatters that frequent the yahoo islam chat rooms, and are involved in this war against muslim terrorism.



Anonymous said...

teddy are you ok?

sp1r1tbear said...

yes ty:)

Johnny Utah said...

Teddy, you have more leg humpers everyday lol..

Don`t let people get you down,it`s all good,anyway you think I should join that Yahoo Muslim group I got the invite to join? I posted it in your other thread you closed,if I join it maybe I can go undercover like Pager lol..

*hugs* :P

sp1r1tbear said...

hell no agent utah, i certainly think not! lol. there won't be much online plotting going on anyways. scotland yard and fbi has it pretty stitched up.

Anonymous said...

teddycunt has to ask herself is she is ok noone else gievs a fuk

sp1r1tbear said...

chatdope, you always think everyone is me...... zzzzz donkey id's, the lot!!!

Anonymous said...

woe WOE is me! i tried to woo the king in my imagination and he told me to fuck off like everyone else did

sp1r1tbear said...

lol now i'm trying to woo patrick? i assume you mean the king of the tards?

sp1r1tbear said...

I wish to know who flyonthewall is:)

Anonymous said...

patrick told you to fuck off to

sp1r1tbear said...

lol yeah right:p as if! lmao

ps it's *too

sp1r1tbear said...

hmph btw, i have no real life stress to report, real or imaginary. fuck off maggots. vultures.

Anonymous said...

teddy the psycho twat.

sp1r1tbear said...

yes ty for your input, again.

Anonymous said...

ironwarriors_info Real Name: Darren Page Nickname: Irons Info Location: South Humberside Age: 23 Marital Status: Single And Looking Sex: Male Occupation: Whats an occupation? More About Me
Hobbies Being at utter imbecile. Stinking out my parents house when I should have left home a long while ago. Latest News I live at 18 Beechwood Avenue, Immingham, South Humberside DN40 2JR Phone 01469 510 142. I live with my Momma and Poppa Lillian and Peter. Favorite Quote My head is made out of a turnip

Anonymous said...

Steve Morales
469 41 St
Brooklyn NY 11232
718 854 7796

sp1r1tbear said...

sorry, no ultra freaky clones are allowed to post silly illiterate abuse to me.

is that the real cockslap?

Anonymous said...

the anti american cocksucker johny jones is sniveling on the microphone again with his speech impediment about religion.

Anonymous said...

Blondie and Geo are posting info under differant names. Cockslap is lurking in the background.

sp1r1tbear said...

hello donkey herder :) i hope you are well, *hugs*

Anonymous said...

I want to have my way with you, Teddybear. I want to have wonderfull hot sex with you. You will never go back to stuffed pandas.

*strokes his penis*

sp1r1tbear said...

that longbow is a right bastard. he gave me hell tonight, even tried to claim i'm irish! and an "armchair provo"... nasty

Anonymous said...

lol well you do love all that irish rebel music miss teddy:p so you have to have a lil bit of irish in ya lol. dont be a snob

sp1r1tbear said...

foot and mouth!! aw *hugs* donkey

& lmaorof dr yugo :p *hugs*

Johnny Utah said...

Do I get a T-shirt that says
"I was in Teddy Tidbits" :d

sp1r1tbear said...

yes utahbear, the technical team is currently working on merchandise:p *hugs*

sp1r1tbear said...

the abu clan appears to be m.i.a...i had grown fond of them:(

Anonymous said...

I am still around you little turd. You can lick my pussy.


Anonymous said...

We are still around. We are busy looking for virgins.

*licks his penis*

sp1r1tbear said...

greaseys changed his blog addy

Anonymous said...

Do you have any of those monogramed condoms left and if so how much do they cost?

*puts airplane on autopilot and humps the copilot*

sp1r1tbear said...

pilot, are you talking to me?

Anonymous said...

Oh Teddy. I have been loving you from afar. But now its time for us to make hot plushie love. I can't wait to feel your soft fur against my button nose. When we are done making love you will never go back to those furry little maggots. Wait for me my love.

Anonymous said...

Fuck off Amanda. You are just trying to get a green card.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

*hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop thud*


sp1r1tbear said...


Anonymous said...

Do the world a favor and keep this shit blog closed.

sp1r1tbear said...

lol ty for your input. i'll do the world half a favour and keep it shut usually:p

Anonymous said...

Steve Morales
469 41 St
Brooklyn NY 11232
718 854 7796

watch this space.

sp1r1tbear said...

ah, that can't be the original slapper, he has far too big a mouth to stay off the microphone.

Anonymous said...

A stalker is simply a troll that has attached itself to an individual. At worst, boring, at best, flattering.A stalker can be a serious predator, using the Internet to pursue a real or imagined vendetta, or other perverted agenda.

sp1r1tbear said...

yes, that is true. i find stalking and obsessing to be like a plague in these rooms. ty for your accurate input.

sp1r1tbear said...

maybe doing and cockslap have a thang for each other :p lol but i better not suggest that coz some maggots already try and claim i am chat shrink. hell, according to the extra obsessed paranoid manic one that hails from the land of our rejected ones, AND WRITES ABOUT ME NONSTOP WITH ZERO ENCOURAGEMENT AND LITTLE RESPONSE FROM HER MUSE...MOI....i am just about EVERYBODY. lol

*wonders if she sees me behind her bushes and outside her window in her delusional mind.......


Anonymous said...

i'd like to get you in the bushes miss teddy

*drools and writhes*

Anonymous said...

"It is open for all chatters that frequent the yahoo islam chat rooms, and are involved in this war against muslim terrorism"

And not a single comment on muslim terrorism.

sp1r1tbear said...

well, why don't you make one anon. I have done my time and made hundreds of comments regarding islam in the rooms;) my stance is well known.

do you know what tidbits means?

instead of playing critic please feel free to start off a conversation on islam or muslim terrorism or whatever you like.....

Anonymous said...

Muslims are the filth of the earth ,they should be smited from breeeding .there now there's a comment on muslims lol

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the only solution is to find and destroy ALL muslims.

Anonymous said...

Can we say WW2, when the Japs were rounded up and put in detaining camps.

Anonymous said...

The problemis when youround them up and detain them you have bleeding hearts who say it's an infringement on their human rights ,we go through it daily here in Australia ppl fighting to have them released from the detention centres.
If people would see the problem forwhat it is maybe it would be easier .You have to look at the fact they are insiting muslim youth to rise up against the countries internally ,now surely people cna see that's a bad thing.
The threat is no longer them coming into our countries and causing shit it's them already been here and rising up against us .Lets face it they will never run out of young eager men willing to blow themselves up in the name of allah will they?
As long as they have willing young men to do the deed the shit will keep happening .

sp1r1tbear said...

oh! a conversation that is nothing to do with gossip etc. bravo donkey herder and pammy.

oh wouldn't it be wonderful if we actually could round them up? but alas, we live in a politically correct liberal world at the moment......

Anonymous said...

That's what is killing us teddy the damn politial correctness.If you say something against them they screamracism yet they can go around blowign ppl up without a second thought.
In this day and age is there really any place for this political correctness? I mean the world changes daily does it not ?We went from outside influences blowing us up to internal unrest how cna a governement not change with the times?You have towonder what kind of world we are leavign behind for future generations.
it's time to call a spade a spade and lay the blame where it belongs ....

sp1r1tbear said...

Pammy, i agree with you 100%! it is such an enormous FARCE in my eyes!

WHERE ARE OUR RIGHTS? it's so tragic how all around the world Christianity and our symbols, traditions etc are suffering oppression. How dare they!!!!

hey Pam, what's the deal in Australia lately with nativity scenes on christmas cards and that kind of thing?

Anonymous said...

there is a huge fuss been kicked up over the nativity scenes and i personally son't seewhat the fuss is about .My theory is when youmove to anew country you shouldn't try and change their way of doign things .We have put up christmas decorations and navity scenes for generations we have had them on our christmas cards for generations who are these ppl tocome along and change our traditions ?
If we choose to celbrate christmas that's our choice nobody elses if they don't like it then don't move to chritian dominated countries plain and simple.

sp1r1tbear said...

exactly. oh how sad that they are doing it there too! why the fuck are we allowing these people to attempt to diminish Christianity:( I love our Christian culture and i believe it's ALL our duty to try to salvage and protect it, even if we arent church going's still our culture!

Anonymous said...

"when in rome do as the romans do"

sp1r1tbear said...

hey mr donkey herder:) you know me? I feel like i may know you...

Future is now said...

They are taking our navity scenes away,taking out the 10 commandments and basiclly trying to take God out of everything.I do believe we are in the end times and the devil is doing everything in his power to bring people down and to turn people away from God..We will always have our beliefs and faith and that is something they can never take away.

Anonymous said...

I have a theory ,they are going to change our countries into muslim countries slowly from the inside by changing our traditions subtley .I mean call me insane but i think if we don't wake up soon we're fucked on in abig way.

Anonymous said...

That's the thing do we sit back and allow our traditions our qay of life and freedoms to be screwed over by a bunch of ppl who can't stand to live in their own middle eastern countries and come to our countries and try to change us to their way of thinking .You want to live in western society then be prepared to have our culture and traditions in fron t of your face.I jsut can't belive the governemnts of western countries are kissing ass with these ppl it sickens me big time

sp1r1tbear said...

nuke, after the abusive post on your blog regarding me...i just don't get why you bother visiting Teddy Tidbits. but if yer feeling better now that's good *hugs*....maybe you could think about taking the nasty post about me down;) your call...

Anonymous said...

You know what scares me is the fact that we sit back and watch all these changes happen.Why aren't we standign up for our rights to have our traditions,why aren't we fighting for our kids rights to have countries that respect their traditions .
If we allow ourselves to eb taken over then we only have ourselves to blame becasue the power is in our hands .I know in this day and age it's hard to keep ever religious group happy because everyone has their own religious holidays and stuff,if they are not prepared to compromise and emet us half way on our culture and stuff then don't bother coming .Maybe we should hang up the Our country is full sign now go home ...

sp1r1tbear said...

yes donkey herder, i like bnp myself. you americans may make a donation to support them if you like:p they really are facing hell from everyone and are targetted:( it's very sad

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Teddy is Countessa

sp1r1tbear said...

yes anon, ty for your most novel fresh input zzzzz. see my post on psychological issues...

Anonymous said...

Can we all just get past this teddy/countessa stuff .It's old and gets boring after a while can't we just have a debate on a blog without always rehashing crap.I know there are ppl who detest countessa but come on enough is enough plz...

Anonymous said...

ethan left islam chat for brown sugar booty

Future is now said...

As a act of good will i took down the teddy and count posting on my blog.Some times i get carred away on intangents.YOu have been nothing but nice to me teddy and i kinda stabbed you in the back.Im sorry. Our room is filled with enough infighting and i dont need to add too it.I dont know what it is wether the muslims are not much of a challenge anymore so we fight each other but it needs to stop.We are in islam chat for a reason and there is always a muslim around to bash.We need to unite against this evil before it is too late.

sp1r1tbear said...

that's cool nuke *hugs* [can i hug you without you thinking i want ya though lol] :p

incidentally, that wee verse i wrote for you a few months was FAR from a love poem, nothing like it, but i guess you hadn't actually read it.

and yes, i agree that if we don't unite it will certainly be too late.

peace nuke :)

donkey herder...thank you very much for posting that. yeah, it's a step in the right direction, indeed.

sp1r1tbear said...

anon! i certainly hope utahbear has not left chat rumours eh? :p

J*A*C*K said...

I think I'm going to cry.

*plays his violin*

sp1r1tbear said...

oh yeah? then cry me a river bitchboy.....

*copies biboy so plays fiddle back*

you get what you give;)

Anonymous said...

whose brown booty did ethan leave for?

Anonymous said...

Ethan seems to pick up chicky babes no matter what chatroom he goes to ,we went room hopping and they all wanted Ethan ,I think he has a secret charm ,he doesn't showoften .
See Nuke I am glad you finally listened although it probably wasn't to me becasue you never do lol,it takes one person to start to the shit and 20more to keep it going and truth is it's old ,it's boring and we ned to bash muslims come on it's fun todo that with their big ole font and massive bad use of grammar ,they are comebacks in the making lol
Does anyone know exactly how much foreign aide is given to these mulsim countries on a yearly basis?I am just curious as to how much of our hard earned tax money is actually feeding these ungrateful ppl who even though they want to blow us all up are wiling to take our handouts...

sp1r1tbear said...

God bless the peace makers [like you] Pammy. *hugs*

Ethan hasn't left eh Pam?

I haven't looked into the figures for aide. I bet donkey herder knows though.

why do we have to save the world, by the way. some people just are not motivated to help themselves...

J*A*C*K said...

You forgot to say *hugs*, Teddy.

*plays his tuba*

Anonymous said...

Ethan mine now.

no no no no no no no no no


sp1r1tbear said...

no, I didn't forget.

Anonymous said...

Ethan is lurking Teddy ,you know him when he has an opinion he voices it.Maybe he is out enjoying what is left of the summer in the US and chasing him some booty lol
Western countries will always save the world ,it's in our nature always help the underdog even if that under dog wants to blow you up .

sp1r1tbear said...

lol out chasing booty hehe, better not tell blondiebear:p

sp1r1tbear said...

you sure you are American, donkey herder?

Anonymous said...


sp1r1tbear said...

*hugs* tittybear

sp1r1tbear said...

ok, just a few different things you said made me think you were American. **==

Anonymous said...

Interesting how not a single person has anything to say on the topic. The donkey guy raises some valid issues very well presented and all it gets in response is....NOTHING

sp1r1tbear said...

issues? but it is done

sp1r1tbear said...

don't even know that donkey is a guy btw

Anonymous said...

Has to be a guy. Seems quite literate and some counting skills thrown in there.

Future is now said...

donkey is biboy roy

Future is now said...

And yes i did read the poem i was just trying to start shit.And yes you can hug me.I think the world is far too politicaly correct.We worry so much about pissing people off we cant get the job done on terrorism.You cant make everyone happy so why even try.We have to stop kissing so much ass and not be afraid to tell another country they are wrong.We have to hit the terrorists hard and stop them before they blow up a nuke on a city.I think we kiss pakistans ass too much and we need to be harder on them for many of the terrorist do come from there.

sp1r1tbear said...

no way nuke, bi-boy isnt that literate. *hugs*

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize that the world gave that much in foreign aide .I had no idea about all this stuff ty donkey herder.I think if i remember right somewhere in the Victorian Mountains here they said a few years ago we had a terrorists training camp or something Not sure what happened to it becasue it's kind of never talked about .
It worries that the governement is so worried here about what is going on in other parts of the world and don't see what is happening in their own back yard so to speak.We have muslim clerics insiting young muslim teenagers to rise up and the funny thing the muslimcommunity themselves does nothing except say islam isn't about hate ,yet they allow this shit to happen.I personally don't think they should be allowed to build their own schools and teach their own crap ,our children have a set ciriculum they have to learn to finish school basic science math english etc,yet at a muslim school they elarn all about their own crap and nothign much else to make them productive in society.At elast at catholic schoold they still learn the basic education as well as religion thrown in.

sp1r1tbear said...

lol anon, are you saying that no women can count? i have a woman accountant:p

Anonymous said...

ethan hooked up with the brown sugar booty she lives near him.

Anonymous said...

Us women are quite literate as well ok so i spell like shit and have no head for numbers lolI have to admit i am learning more from donkey herder then i have learn in nearly 4 years in chat ,and that's not good becasue you would have figured i would have learnt this stuff before now.
It is interesting to see how our cultures and traditions are slowly disappearing before our eyes and to actually have someone like donkey herder who actually has the figures on everything ,I have to admit I am impressed and debates make for much more fun then name calling .
So is there anyway the current governements we have can change things so Islamic terrorists can't walk around so freely and keep the damn bleeding hearts satisfied their human rights aren't been abuse ? We are looking at getting a national identity card here ,but i am not sure how that will help weed out terrorsits if they are actually Australian citizens,and lets face it the suicide bombers always find loop holes in any red tape.
Our immigration has been tightened yet we still many illegals in this country,and I guess we don't have the man power to track themdown quickly so it takes many yearsto finally track them down but the problem is by the time we track them down ,they have already married an aussie citizen and had a family ,and when it comes to them been deported ppl butt in and say but they have an aussie family and should be allowed to stay ,it gets insane sometimes.

sp1r1tbear said...

i agree, Pammy. *hugs*

sp1r1tbear said...

hey donkey herder:) i don't mean to be a nosybear, but may i please just know where you come from? I like to know what people actually are.

I appreciate and empathise with protecting ones privacy and with being international etc, but I just wanna know if you are American or British? I can tell it is one or the other. you spell American but you have a British edge and i am just wondering which...

Anonymous said...

lol teddy you're always nosey woman and you know lol

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Interesting how not a single person has anything to say on the topic. The donkey guy raises some valid issues very well presented and all it gets in response is....NOTHING

No-one on this blog responds to the donkey guy because no-one with half a brain or any kind of credibility bothers to post on this blog except backstabbers, asskissers, flip-floppers and split personalities, and they aren't intelligent enough to understand what the donkey guy is saying.

sp1r1tbear said...

oh, but you are, anon?

one usually finds the people throwing the insults are usually guilty of the very accusations they throw.

I have cleaned up my blog from most shit, so in future i suggest you stay off too....anon.

sp1r1tbear said...

hehe pammy:p sssshhhhhh he might not know that. *hugs*

Anonymous said...

Well anon I am neither backstabber asskissers, flip-floppers and split personalities,Sometimes teddy actually has someinteresting debates going on but then i guess maybe you can't understand what donkey herder is saying as you didn't address anything they said either ,but then again go figure that lol

sp1r1tbear said...


sp1r1tbear said...

anon pain....donkey herder was actually just displaying facts, so you are just going on about nothing. Even a picky fuckwit like you can't find too much from their post to pick apart, can ya lol. I obviously commend them for posting facts AND referring to the british national party:) so what's to say? hmmm "hear! hear!" about covers it from my end. You all may add whatever you all respectively like.... miss pammy & nuke gave their input whilst you just sat back trying to play critic. yer a tosser.

so tosser...what's your views on immigration, aid etc?

Anonymous said...

i heard sweet innocent miss pammy is getting some chat ass. guess who?


Anonymous said...

Well mr private detective do tell who's chat ass I am getting I am sure i am eager to know lol

Johnny Utah said...

Pammy is not getting any chat ass from me,I have my own :d..

Again I find myself in Teddy Tidbits,where was I sitting?

sp1r1tbear said...

welcome back..*hugs* were sitting under the oak tree.

hmmm miss pammy, utahbear is being mysterious about his chat ass, brown sugar booty saga.

come on utah, fill us in...

Anonymous said...

lol nobody mentioned your name and chat ass Ethan damn talk about having tabs on oneself lol

Johnny Utah said...

Well Pammy I had to put the possible Chat Ass gossip between you and I to rest,I can only smack so much Chat Ass :P lol..

Teddy,I was getting busy with Countessa,shes the best Chat Ass I have had since I started to smack the Chat Ass,I have no interest in Brown Sugar Booty at this time ;)

*wink* *wink*

Anonymous said...

lol Ethan you are truely amazing i swear.For starters and no offence and I hate to burst your chat ego but you are the last chat ass I would after,why you ask well becasue you are too unpredictable and I am sure that if it would ruin such a wonderful chat room freindship if we bumped chat asses lol
I am sure you are a wonderful guy blah blah lol Besides Ethan chat ass is so over rated ,i've seen it happen ppl no longer speak to each other and all the secrets come out and then i'd have to tell ppl about your fetish for sex in a carwhsh wiht the windows open and i just don'twant to go there lol

Johnny Utah said...

Pammy I know,I am just to much of a Wild and Crazy guy/chat ass for you :P ,alas that is my downfall,Women can`t handle this piece of chatass,it`s my gift and my curse :(( :P >:)Its all good,maybe Lady Swain could handle me,I hear shes wild :d

Sex in a Car Wash with the windows open? I think you have someone else`s fetish mixed up with mine :> :P lol

J*A*C*K said...

Trust me Nukie..... I'm not Donkey. Altough I do raise miniture donkeys.
I have lots of names but Donkey isn't one of them. Can you guess what they are?
Perhaps I should put my donkeys on my blog. Hmmmmmmm.......

J*A*C*K said...

Teddy loves me. LMFAO

Can't you tell?

*rolls on the floor laughing ass off-hugs*

sp1r1tbear said...

hmph..i used to love you lol

sp1r1tbear said...

so, what was your fetish then, miss pammy? :p

Anonymous said...

Ethan you're twainted after all you were married all be it temporary to Rachel Minsky now that no woman can forgive lol
I wonder who's fetish is sex in the car wash with teh windows down I better do some snooping and find out lol
I guess you just struck me as that type of guy ethan .

Ethan ethan ethan it's good to see your imagination is running away with you and working overtime ,you should write an advice column for those chasing chat ass lol
You are entertainment plus value lol

Anonymous said...

Ethan has a fetish for sucking on lolipops while having sex in a car wash with the windows down.This is the first time I have come across such a weird thing as a doctor.
He is a strange little man who is facinated with brown sugar for some reason.
Ethan you need to make another appointment with my office we need to delve into this fetish more .
By the way I'll be at the car wash with many lolipops in an hours
*wink wink
I'll be sure to bring the brown suga ......

sp1r1tbear said...

lol fetish therapist:p you [obviously] overheard miss pammy and myself bantering in the room hehe

Anonymous said...

Teddy us therapists must be everywhere,it's a tough job but someone has to do it

sp1r1tbear said...

oh, i agree:p

Anonymous said...

i can also help:) I work quietly in the background restoring sanity to demented tards.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I have had chat sanity in the last almost 4 years lol

Johnny Utah said...

The only fetish I have are Women`s Breasts.That is why Countessa had me at hello,she has a very nice rack :d,I would love to be the fly on that wall when shes nakie :> :P..

sp1r1tbear said...

ooh blondiebear will get mad at you for saying that about Count. watch out utahbear! her wrath isn't pretty:p

Anonymous said...

Ahh so ethans a breast man ,men who are fixated with breasts were bot breast fed as children i think that's the way it goes lol

sp1r1tbear said...

look anon, i had to delete yr comment. it would of provoked more rubbish than it was worth having up. i try not to taunt true crazies, ya;)

Anonymous said...

ethan he is my man now.

Anonymous said...

teddy, how come you havent posted much lately? you arent updating your blog much any more?

sp1r1tbear said...

yeah, i will:)....*hugs*

Anonymous said...

Exactly Donkey herder i rememebr as kid the tradition of christmas caroling and school plays of the nativity ,and then there was the tradition of putting the christmas tree up and the lights and the nativity scene in the front yard and all those little traditions are leavign becasue it upsets religions .Now what I don't understand is we have a few jewish families in our neighbouthood and they never carry on like pork chops over the christmas decorations ,in fact they are the first to comment on how festive the street becoems closer to christmas .
I rememebr as kid makign paper chains and paper decorations for our christmas tre and they were displayed with pride ,none of that happens anymore Santa doesn't even visit our pre schools or childcare centres anymore which is a shame because it is priceless to see the gleem in a childs eye when they see Santa for the first time .
We have traditions and we shouldn't have to water those traditions down for anyone .Do we really want a generation of chiuldren who don't know the true story of christmas becasue it upsets muslims to hear of the birth of jesus?
However we allow them to celebrate their religious stuff such as Ramadam ,we allow their children and their adults to take time out of work and pray when needed but we don't allow catholics or christians or any other religion to take time out of their day and pray.
It may seem childish and petty to some but these traditions are family traditions and should be passed down from generation to generation ,our forefathers fought in wars to give us the freedoms we have today or we goign to just sit back and let them be taken away .The old diggers would be turning in their graves to see that they lay theire lives down in wars for political correctness.We have the freedom to celebrate what we want and how we want if ppl come to our countries for a better life then they should accept our traditions or quite frankly don't come.
When we immigrateed from the Uk to Australia when I was 4 we had our family traditions we bought with uis but we also adopted a few from the new country we lived in.We accepted it doesn't snow at christmas here and we adapted our family celbrations to coking the christmas turkey on the BBQ in the sun with a cold beer ,it called accepting you have moved to a new country and acknowledging they have traditions as well .Multcurturalism works if ppl don't bring the crap with them form their old countries like some lebanese here bring their turf wars with them and hate crimes and wonder why they end up in jail.
I for one am not giving up my traditions if the muslims don't like it they can kiss my ass and leave this country no skin off my nose .........

Anonymous said...

Saddam just didn't want a bullet in his head.

Anonymous said...

I would be more then glad to kiss your ass, Pammy.

*reaches around and blows his ass a kiss*


Anonymous said...

abu the muslim dead beat keep dreaming .

Anonymous said...

*has a wet dream about Pammy*

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

omg you mean I amctually am intelligent donkey_herder ?
I have to admit your posts challenged me actually made me think which was good.When there is a yopic worth discussing I actually lean alot about the rest of the world which is great .
At the moment here our governement is hammering out the legal technicalities of the anti terrorists laws ,apparently they have to be sure the laws don't come across as racist .We have our anti terrorists squad up and training at the moment.We even had what sounded like a little aussie terrorist sayign there will be more attacks on the west but ASIO are onto it and trackign this lunatic down all dressed up his little terrorist outfit and rest assured we'll find the little turd and he will pay dearly for been tangled up with terrorists.
We are becoming mroe aware of what can happen on our home soil now and it's sad that it took the tragedy in LOndon for us to wake up and start re eveluating our security and laws and it's sad in a way that we are becoming suspicious of our own citizens but that's what terror attacks do to you make you suspicious and change your life.For example my daughter catches the bus to and from school every day now she is more aware of middle eastern appearance ppl and back packs where as before she enver paid attention so evne the lives of our kids are changing ....

sp1r1tbear said...

yep, bravo you two.

Anonymous said...

When I have to actually use my brain it amazes me how damn smart i really am lol
As I watch the news on a daily basis it is all starting to make more sense the subtle things that are going that I really didn't take much notice of before now.
I's hate to think of our laid back lifestyle changing I mean here we are pretty laid back and tolerant or at least we used to be until all this crap happened.I gues when I was a kid I always took for granted the little things we did as kids and hoped that those things would be around for future generations but alas it looks like future generation may only read about them ,which is a shame ,becasue there is so much heritage and tradition passed down from generation to generation adn now it seems the tales passed down from generations will not be of the hardship of colinizing new countries and the tradition of mateship in war ,but the lesson of know your enemy the legacy of the loss of lives .
This generation of kids may seem self absorbed and look as if they don't care wither way what happens in the future but behind the mobile phones,the internet and the peer group pressures these kids are openly discussing their fears for the future and whether they will have a future.
Parents need to allow their kids to coice their opinions ,voice their fears after all this is the generation who will one day be responsible for the day to day care of our countries.Lets not bring up a generation who are afraid to speak their minds afraid to get their point across,lets bring up a generation wehre when we are old we can look back with pride that out children also stood up for their freedoms and their rights as citizens of our countries.
Lets bulid countries that send out the message if you want to come here then you too must abide by our right of freedom of speech and the right we have to feel safe .Lets not make it that our troops are fighting for nothing ,while they bring democracy to Iraq let us fight for our own deomocracy on home turf before we become an extinxt breed.We ahve the right to feel safe in our countries and we should feel safe whether it's catching a bus ,train or plane or simply walking down the street .

sp1r1tbear said...

abu! did you think she didn't!:p ...wb *hugs*

Anonymous said...

pretty scary thought hey abu me having a brain lol
I've just never had a reason to use it before now ,I mean it doesn't take intelligence to throw insults at someone .i love a good topic to debate,guess i should not have played dumb for so long lol
what can i say i am passionate about my freedoms ,traditions and the future generations having them what can I say lol

Anonymous said...

well I have a topic surpise surprise lol
Why is it the these filthy muslim extremist come to the west and take advantage of the free health system and the low income housing and then turn around and cry racism when they can't get their own way .
My opinion because they knwo in their own middle eastern shitholes they can't have 4 babies and be supported by the governement,they also know here they are guarenteed health service where as in theri own countries they are not .The women love the west because here they have rights,here they can have the man charged for beatign the crap out of them ,here they have a voice .
I am a firm beliver in teach the women over there their rights and things will change infact give the women back their rights over there allow them to be productive citizens instead of breeding machines ,allow them to express their views on things and be allowed to have decent payign jobs and have a little bit of independance .
Muslim men like to keep their women submissive so they don't rebel and change things ,a religion that says a man can have temporary marriages is sick in itself and they sy they treat their women like gold ,well lets see in Islam women can be stoned to death on the hear say of men ,men who can remember have up to 4 temporary marriages so tell me they treat their women right .
Their daughters are sold off into marriage usually to older men wow just like their prophet go figure that.
Muslim men in my books are inferior becasue any man who needs a religion to be superior to a woman has somethign wrong with him ,

Anonymous said...

send the muslin bastards home

Anonymous said...

Well anon problem is nobody will send them home ,it seems if they get targetted they scream racism ,although they can rant and rave about wantign to kill us on a daily basis .I whole heartedly agree anon send the muslim bastards home ,and when all this political correctness is over and done with I hope they are sent home ,lets see if we went over to the middle east and chanted on a daily basis we were going to kill them ,I doubt they would let us stay do you?
It is now becoming and internal threat these suicide bombers who are brainwashed idiots who seriously think they will get rewarded for killing innocent ppl ,I guess they haven't read the fine print of their suicide bomber contract that says when you do this you get jackshit but hey we got you to our dirty work.
There is no honor in blowing yourself up and takign innocent ppl with it's the work of a mad man or one who has such low self esteeem issues they will buy anythign ppl tell them.
If they wish to burn our flags and scream death the the West then let them scream death to teh west while been shipped back to the shit holes they crawled out of ,let rhem scream death to teh west from their sub human housign and lack of food villages back in their own countries ,we have enough nut cases born in our countries without having them imported from the middle east .These ppl bring no skills to the country ,they don't contribute all they do is moan about how hard doen by the are ,well if you want a reminder of why ppl are makign your life hell muslims ,cast your mind back to

9/11,Bali bombing,train bombing in Madrid,school children held hostage in Russia ,Australian embassy bombing in Jakata ,and more recently 7/7 the london bombings .Now quit bitching about been hard done by explain that to teh victims families ,children, mother,s father, husbands wives ,and other familit members who will never see theri loved again becasue ytou msulims decided to take them away from them for no reason ............

sp1r1tbear said...

*hugs* donkey herder. thank you for your brilliant input, as usual:p

Anonymous said...

I got an email today that was an actual write up in a newspaper here it goes as follows:

Subject: FW: It's Our Country - real editorial

Australia - The Right to Leave

Our Country - YOU Have the right - the right to leave !

After Sydney not wanting to offend other cultures by putting up Xmas

After hearing that the State of South Australia changed its opinion and
let a Muslim woman have her picture on her driver's license with her
face covered.

This prompted this editorial written by an Australian citizen.
Published in an Australian newspaper.


I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some
individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali, we
have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.

However, the dust from the attacks had barely settled when the
"politically correct" crowd began complaining about the possibility
that our patriotism was offending others. I am not against immigration,
nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by
coming to Australia.

However, there are a few things that those who have recently come to
our country, and apparently some born here, need to understand.

This idea of Australia being a multicultural community has served only
to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As Australians, we
have our own culture, our own society, our own language and our own

This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials
and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom.

We speak ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese,
Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part
of our society, Learn the language!

"In God We Trust" is our National Motto. This is not some Christian,
right wing, political slogan. We adopted this motto because Christian
men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this
is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on
the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you
consider another part of the world as your new home, Because God is
part of
our culture.

If the Southern Cross offends you, or you don't like " A Fair Go",
then you should seriously consider a move to another part of this

We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change, And we
really don't care how you did things where you came from.

This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you
every opportunity to enjoy all this.

But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag,
Our Pledge, Our National Motto, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage
you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom,


If you aren't happy here then f#@* off! We didn't force you to come
here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.
Pretty easy really, when you think about it.

I figure if we all keep passing this to our friends (and enemies) it
will also, sooner or later get back to the complainers,
lets all try, please.

sp1r1tbear said...

oh wow, thanx for posting that miss pammy. so i see it's just the same down under too then. bastards.

Anonymous said...

I guess the average aussie is getting sick and tired of the crap.maybe there could be a revolution where aussies take back their freedoms and their lifestyle ,I sense tension rising in a big way ..

Anonymous said...

The problem in the USA is that the do gooders want to cater to the mexicans and muslims. Anything you you buy here has at least 2 languages or more on the instructions. All govermment offices have signs in english and spanish. In several of the big cities if a cop wants to get hired he has to speak spanish. Most mexicans have 2 or more differant names so they can always come back if deported or caught driving without a licence etc. Don't get in an argument with a mexican or you could get busted for a hate crime. There are several spanish only radio and tv stations and more coming all the time.
Bottom line. Let the fuckin mexicans learn to speak english.
Hell.... even portapotties in public places have instructions in english and spanish. They pick up scores of drunk passed out mexicans off the streets every night. Most used car lots advertise at least one spanish speaking salesman.
This is in the midwest. It gets a lot worse in california and texas and arazona. Now do gooders want to give driver license and free medical care and welfare etc. to illegals. Guess who pays for that.
Now they are making all government buildings remove the 10 comandents from display. Don't want to offend the muslims.
Now there are some crazy mexicans that want to make california a mexican state.
stay tuned

sp1r1tbear said...

oh ty for your very interesting input, anon. that is certainly food for thought too. *hugs*

sp1r1tbear said...

lol at making hollywood mexican hehe:p

Anonymous said...

Wow so it's happening world wide catering for second languages it sucks big time .If you want to come to english speaking countries then learn the damn language ,why are we catering to these ppl ?
It amazes me that the english language has become 4th or 5th on the list on languages to speak ,it should be the number one language everyone learns .We haven't become quite that bad here but slowly changes are been made subtle changes nobody really pays attention to until it's too late .
Subtle changes in the school uniforms to conform to muslims wearing their head thingy ,yet our kids are not allowed to wear baseball caps or hats so tlel me it's fair .The kids are starting to see the differences that are goign on and when they don't see them they are pointed out to them.It seems society changes over night and if we don't keep abreast of current things we shall wake up one morning and our whole lives will have changed and for the worst ......

Anonymous said...

sp1r1tbear said...

lol ty