Saturday, August 13, 2005

**** The Tardsville Society Page****

The Tardsville Society Section.

I extend my thanks to my mysterious technical team for these pictures too;)

This post is for gossip and news of Tardsville cyber citizens! I had many requests for more gossip on Teddy Tidbits, so your wish is my command... michief and mayhem may frolic on this thread....

bon appetit! *hugs*

ok ....our Chatdope has reopened Yahell [like psychic Teddy said she would] so I'm closing Teddy Tidbits for a wee while until I feel like opening it:) go play on Yahell, I will notify all islam chat cyber citizens [bears AND tards] when Teddy Tidbits is updated. Meanwhile, feel free to browse through the archives.......................peace out:p


Anonymous said...

pat shit all over nancys head! nancy is his girlfriend who provides free cable to him in exchange for sex. nancy was upset that she had pats shit in her hair but the romance is still on, he is at her house now. i wonder if nancy puts diapers on him?

Anonymous said...

funny picture

Anonymous said...

you are pathetic coming back and re-inventing yourself count, and imagining no ones knows~fucking SAD

sp1r1tbear said...

oh zzzzz ok anon, i said time and time again SO WHAT IF I WAS COUNT anyways!? what are you gonna do? MAGGOT. see my post on psychological issues.

but...I am Teddy, u dimwit, and you are truly pathetic - calling me pathetic while humping my leg on my blog! duh.

Anonymous said...

countessa said cockslap is hot lolololololol:p

Anonymous said...

omg, he shat on her head!! wtf you room ten tards are nuts :)) cool blog though Teddy lol :))

cockslap hot? lol:)) was countessa blind haha

sp1r1tbear said...

i hope you aren't calling me a tard. do you actually know how tard started in here? where it comes from? it comes from retarded, retard..tard. nothing to do with which room one is in. *hugs*

Anonymous said...

whos the person on the rightside of the pic? I know the others starting left from right. blondie,sas,pat,rudy,pager and???

Anonymous said...

that is the nicest picture of blondie i have ever seen. in most of her pics her nose looks bigger than streisands and ferrets put together, but at that angle and in your pic she looks half decent. love your blog teddy :D

Anonymous said...

the felons in the room bragging how he shits on nancies head then gives her a good slapping! has anyone called jerry springer yet?

Anonymous said...

so miss teddy. what you got to say about your friend MR DEVIL huh? you havent said anything. arent you going to condemn that paedophile who gets fresh with 16 year old kids and justifies it by saying its legal in britain! huh miss teddy? have you seen the screenshots miss teddy?

Anonymous said...

Steve Morales
469 41 St
Brooklyn NY 11232
718 854 7796

Anonymous said...

pager is kicking pats ass all over the room :))

Anonymous said...

omg, he shat on her head!! wtf you room ten tards are nuts :)) cool blog though Teddy lol :))

cockslap hot? lol:)) was countessa blind haha

said anon,

countessa was not blind but she was saying that for shits and giggles and to get revenge on patwick for turning on her and joining the witchhunt. count was a really loyal friend to that old fucka. thank god count and lots of ladies saw the light and gave up protecting that perverted old felon.

Anonymous said...

pat and sulyman are butt fucking

Anonymous said...

The Tards,Tard Law..

The Tards have Tard Law,what is Tard Law you may ask,it`s simple.The Tards impose Tard Law onto others,in order to control them.Tard Law has 3 main rules which must be obeyed.
The 3 Rules of Tard Law are:
Rule Number 1:Obey Tard Law..
Rule Number 2:Obey Tard Law..
Rule Number 3:Obey Tard Law..
If you fail to Obey the 3 Rules of Tard Law,you will be cast out being called an Anti-American,Muslim,Muslim Sympathizer,or a Room 1`r..The Irony is while The Tards Force Tard Law onto others,they do not Follow Tard Law,because they believe they are above it.This is Hypocrisy at it`s Finest..
posted by UTAH at 7:06 PM 1 comments

Anonymous said...

Patrick thinks he is a History Professor,the only degree he has is from Con College.Patrick likes to talk to Women about thier personal hygiene(periods)very personal shit like that.He has no respect for women at all,no wonder he has been married 5 times.He calls Black Americans who serve in The United States Military Niggers,that`s right Black Americans serving in The United States Military risking thier own lives for this Felon`s freedom,he calls them Niggers!He even attacked a fellow Infidel calling her Husband a Nigger,who serves in The United States Military.Patrick likes pushing people around telling them who they can and can`t talk with,he also stabs people in the back,then when it`s done to him,he plays the innocent victim.He likes to bring up the death of 2 Infidels in the rooms,again and again,using thier deaths to justify hating people from Room 1,making himself out to be some kind of Hero.(Yes people who make clone names etc of the 2 who have died is sick)but that doesn`t give him the right or anyone else the right to use thier deaths for thier own gain.If you don`t agree with Patrick,he calls you Anti-American and a Room 1`r.If Patrick can`t get the mic,he has meltdowns,and leaves the Rooms again acting like the innocent victim.Patrick thinks The World is only Black and White,he needs a Fucking Wake up Call,its 2005.
This is a Tard!
posted by UTAH at 10:48 PM 1 comments

Anonymous said...

OneTrue American is a clear Woman beater,when Laci Peterson was Murdered,and Scott Peterson`s Trial was going on,he said"Laci Peterson got what she deserved".Right there is a clear sign of a woman beater.When The Terri Schiavo case was going on,he said some very disgusting things about Terri Schiavo,I will not repeat what he said it doesn`t take a Rocket Scientist to figure it out.He has less respect for Women then the Professor/Felon does.He yells on the mic like a Jackass,hell he is worse on the mic then Sas,which says alot.When The 2004 Tsunami hit,like Porkchops Onetrue thought it was great because Muslims were killed.3 things OneTrue doesn`t have the Intelligence to realize.1.Over 200,000 people were killed,Muslims or not,that is not great. 2.Most of the Muslims killed were children,so like Porky,OneTrue thinks it`s great children were killed.3.Not only Muslims died,Tourists from The United States and other countries died.This is a Tard!
posted by UTAH at 10:54 PM 0 comments

Anonymous said...

Porky is a Bitch,first off if you dont agree with him,right away he calls you a Room1`r ,a Muslim Sympathizer,and a Pedophile,and a supporter of Pedophiles. Porky uses that word Pedophile so much, one has to wonder if Porky is one himself, maybe the local Police where Porky lives should look into it,because Porky is to stupid to realizie how very serious that word is,and it shouldn`t be used so easily to attack people,Porky also likes to talk about other people`s children,ask Skull about that. Porky went to Vietnam to buy a wife,since Ameircan Women turned him down Porky went to a 3rd World Country and bought himself a Wife.Jesus,what kind of loser would do that? Porky who else.When The 2004 Tsunami hit,Porkchops thought it was great because Muslims were killed.3 things Porky doesn`t have the Intelligence to realize.1.Over 200,000 people were killed,Muslims or not that is not great.2.Most of the Muslims killed were children,so Porky thinks it`s great children were killed. 3.Not only Muslims died,Tourists from The United States,and other countries died.
This is a Tard!
posted by UTAH at 10:51 PM 0 comments

Anonymous said...

Ninety likes to think he is the best Christian in the world,if he doesnt think your a good Christian, he attacks you,even if your not a Christian he attacks you,and what you believe in.He has to know about other peoples personal and private lives,until he does he will bagger you,and start a Witch Hunt.Even if the person gives him an answer,he will continue to bagger that person until he gets the answer he wants.He is Anti-Catholic,he`s also Anti-Atheists saying they have no morals among other things,because they don`t happen to believe in a God.Ninety hates smart Women, if there is a Woman who has a mind of her own,her own point of view,Ninety doesn`t like that,so he has to tear her down,to make himself feel better.In The End, Ninety always has to be right,because everyone else is always wrong..
This is a Tard!
posted by UTAH at 10:49 PM 0 comments

Anonymous said...

Sas holds the mic for hours, yelling at anyone who might disagree with him..Sas also likes to tape the Rooms, he tapes everything said in The Rooms to use against people if they are on his shit list, if you said something years ago on the mic in the chat rooms, and your on his Shit List you can be sure Sas has you on one of his tapes, ready to use against you,its funny to say the least.Legend says"Sas has a second Room,filled with Tapes from Islam Chat".Sas also likes to call The CIA,FBI, and U.S. Military Bases bothering them with the Chat Drama Bullshit in the Rooms.Sas can never admit when he is wrong.Sas thinks he is an expert on anything,well that`s impossible when he can`t even program a VCR..
This is a Tard!
posted by UTAH at 10:46 PM 1 comments

Anonymous said...

The Tards,Safelist..

The Tards have a Safelist.Sas tells people to put thier names on it,so these people will not have booter,or iggy programs used against them.It`s Sas`s way of trying to control people,by continuing the Room Wars.What about the people who choose not to be on the Safelist,do the Tards care about them? No of course not,because if you don`t follow the Rules of The Tards,then you must be a Room 1`r,or a Muslim Sympathizer.So if you want to be on the Safelist,then add your name insuring your a Sheep to the Tards.If you don`t want to add your name because your not a Sheep,then get ready The Tards will Fuckyou over!
posted by UTAH at 11:31 AM 2 comments

Anonymous said...

video footage of tards

Anonymous said...

Deception , did your Parents teach you manners? Like to wait your turn .Sometimes you just barge in the chat room and demand the mic and the subject to be changed it's not all about what you want to talk about dear or how you wish to defend your room two buddies(may I say what a fine group they are since room one joined them LMAO)! Deception you are really quite new to this chat room so why do you think you can just demand the mic is yours? You are lucky I don't use the mic or there would have been a big cat fight between you and I. Deception as you see I don't really dislike you just like the other MIC HOG I spoke about in and earlier post , you see your name sometimes in blue. Just share please other's have things to say also......Miss Pammy you're such a sweetie...Miss you!

posted by Stycx and stones at 11:13 PM

Anonymous said...

Pat , How does it feel to have woman pay your bills so you can get a phone line? Like we believed your story of no phone could be put at the lake haha I over heard Vicki telling you she would help you in the chat room , the next day you found out your could have a phone AMAZING!You two faced coward , I hope a fish swallow's you .By the way you had to move there cause your sister own's the cabin and it's rent free ! Don't ever let me hear you talk bad about other's !Pat you disrespect women everytime you speak!I guess anyone who could put a gun in someones face and demand money could do about anything! You worthless criminal!

posted by Stycx and stones at 2:08 AM | 10 comments

Anonymous said...

Just a bleep on Liquid....Liquid is fairly new to the room but at times strikes a nerve (she loves to argue) did I mention she is a MIC HOG?Sometimes I think Liquid may begin and arguement to hear herself talk!Liqud my darling you are not alway's right so give it up sit back and listen to the older people of the room after all you are only in your 20's , you still have alot to learn. Not that I don't like you (hint thats why you see your name in blue and red)In case anyone has not noticed RED negative , BLUE postitive :)

posted by Stycx and stones at 11:05 PM | 2 comments

Anonymous said...

i suspect she is far older than that, she certainly sounds it;)

Anonymous said...

i only come to your blog to see pammy

sp1r1tbear said...

wow tards patrol! is that it? lol:p

hey pastor ped id....i am presently in the position of waiting to speak directly to iwuvsmyanimals herself:)

i prefer that approach.

Anonymous said...

That little guy sitting on santa's (pat?)is 90 (adam). Sorry I wasn't in the pic. I was getting a blow job in the womens' rest room.


Where's the missletoe?

Anonymous said...

Thats my master Mike in the upper left corner.

*pees on the rug*

Anonymous said...

I often dream of Pammy.

*drops his thong*

Anonymous said...

Ok enough before i come over there with the rusted blunt castrating knife and cut your balls off abu the pron star and stand their and watch you bleed I am serious .

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"I'm bored with the nursery school level room wars etc"

That didnt last long did it you two faced demented slag.

sp1r1tbear said...

hm anon, pastor and i are in the same room, so i have still not got into room war bullshit. but ty for your input.

Anonymous said...

teddy- see pastor is blogging about you now, saying your countessa and putting counts real name out there! :)) trying to get the heat off himself for chatting up a fucking underage kid, and he knew it;)

sp1r1tbear said...

i am yet to confirm all this with wuvs. i know wuvs, and will speak to her directly.

mr devil has made me the main topic of his blogs before this so no biggy there luv. *hugs*

wb blog police:)

Anonymous said...

all this fuss over whether the person behind the teddybear name also ran the counteza777 what if she did? why the obsession with this counteza woman wtf! grow up. she can have 100 names if she wants. you say she acts the very same as count, types the same etc etc uses same words and has the same style as count, so obviously no split personality issues with her even if she does run both names. i have 20 names myself. its fucking chat. count was cool she hated muslims with a passion. teddy seems too sweet to be count though. count is very outspoken and argumentative from what i seen. it seems like jealousy all this count talk. those blogs some of you tards made about her were filthy envy driven slander.

Anonymous said...

:) do you want my diagnosis on bratho?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

doing what can get all the womens social security numbers and everything from their birth dates;)

Anonymous said...

counts a babe so i for one hope teddy is count muah xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

sp1r1tbear said...

count talk AGAIN zzzzzzz

Anonymous said...

teddy that dimwit motherfucka that you call mr devil is 100% asshole to you and you go and save his ass! wtf?

Anonymous said...

you all need God :)

sp1r1tbear said...

ffs, i'm either the resident scapegoat or you give me too much credit.

I don't see my conversation with iwuvsanimals in quite the same light that you do. ty for your input though, anon.

Anonymous said...

i hate your guts you bitch from hell

sp1r1tbear said...


Anonymous said...

teddy- pastor is a fucking paedophile

Anonymous said...


sp1r1tbear said...

omg, i'm not the police too now am i?

Anonymous said...

Saint Charbel Makhlouf
Maronite Priest and Hermit

Born at Beqaa-Kafra, the highest inhabited place in Lebanon, near the famous cedars, the young Joseph Makhlouf grew up with the example of two of his uncles, who were both hermits, before his eyes. Aged twenty-three, he left home secretly and entered the monastery of Our Lady of Mayfuq, taking the name of a Syrian martyr, Charbel, on his admission. Ordained a priest in 1859, he took up his residence at the monastery of St Maroun at Annaya, which is over 3500 feet above the Mediterranean Sea.

Father Charbel lived in this community for fifteen years, and was a model monk in the exact sense of the word: it is recorded that, although he rejoiced to be able to be of the slightest assistance to his neighbour, nevertheless it was always a trial to him to leave his monastery. It was his delight to pass his time in singing the office in choir, in working in the fields and in spiritual reading, and nobody was surprised when eventually he asked, and received permission to go and live the life of a hermit. Whilst Maronite monks are generally engaged in parochial and pastoral work, provision is nevertheless made for those chosen souls who feel called to the eremitical life to pursue their vocation, generally in groups of two or three.

So began for the new hermit that holy life which has been led unaltered since the days of the desert fathers: Perpetual fasting, with abstinence from meat, fruit and wine; manual work sanctified by prayer; a mattress stuffed with leaves and covered with goatskin for a bed and a block of wood wrapped in a piece of old habit for a pillow; the interdiction to leave the hermitage without express permission. St Charbel placed himself under obedience to the other hermit, and passed twenty-three years thus, his various austerities seeming only to increase the robustness of his health. The only disturbance to his prayer came in the form of an ever-increasing stream of visitors drawn by his reputation for sanctity to seek from him advice, the promise of prayer or some miracle.

Then one morning, in the middle of December 1898, he was taken ill without warning, just before the consecration while celebrating Mass. His companion helped him to his cell, which he was never to leave. The paralysis gradually gained on him and he was anointed. On the night of Christmas Eve he died, repeating the prayer which he had been unable to finish at the altar: "Father of truth, behold Thy Son, who makes atoning sacrifice unto Thee. Accept the offering; He died for me that I might have life. Behold the offering! Accept it..." The words summed up a life of seventy years.

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

i saw you in room one teddybear :| why are you allowed to go to room one if we cant?

Anonymous said...

miss teddy,we have been watching you and are headhunting you.

Anonymous said...

sp1r1tbear said...

i never said you couldn't go in any room. i don't fall into the room wars traps.

Anonymous said...

We need to talk, Teddy.

sp1r1tbear said...


Anonymous said...

bratho made pada a bear! see yahell. did you give her permision or what?

Anonymous said...

too bad pat cant take a gun to you teddy/countessa bitch.

sp1r1tbear said...

anon,lmao i just saw it, that is quite cute actually.

second anon, he can try:)

If you call me countessa again you will be deleted.

sp1r1tbear said...

it's not true that utah was told to stay off my blog by his online mistress, is it?

Anonymous said...

Carol; you are in my prayers. GET WELL SOON xxxxxxxxxxxxx

sp1r1tbear said...

ok carol, i'm not so worried now, Miss Pammy told me she saw you today. please get in contact soon, i been worried..*hugs*

Anonymous said...

carol you are in my thoughts and in my prayers ,you're a tough woman and it's all goign to be fine take care sweety

Anonymous said...

Carol seems like a very nice lady even though she hangs out with the felons and scumbags in room ten

Anonymous said...

*licks pammys neck*

Anonymous said...

"Your technical staff huh?"

P.S. The 'tard on the far right is porkchops!

Best Regards.........

Anonymous said...

Yahoo! ID: da_obsess_on_count_club Real Name: Nickname: jules room ten cyberslut Location: north england Age: 37 Marital Status: Married But Looking Sex: Female Occupation: uneducated poor infertile no career housewife More About Me
Hobbies im petrified of getting any older considering that i am poor, uneducated, infertile and smi literate so i like to pick on women that are actually younger than me about being OLD lol Latest News cybering the lebanese newby freeperson so he will promote the club to slander count. still handing out sites that lead to some whores ugly clitoris pictures and getting manic on the mic Favorite Quote better the hubby i [sadly] know than the 13th bit of yanky chat ass i failed to trap Links
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