Sunday, July 03, 2005

Saint Patrick?

What do we really think of this person who dares to call themselves a Saint, for their chat handle?


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Anonymous said...

This post has been removed by chatho

J*A*C*K said...


Anonymous said...

One sick fucking bitch is all i can say about Chatho. Enough said.

sp1r1tbear said...

see the freak lied again!

ty pada that comment was fair, are you feeling ok?

Anonymous said...

This post has been removed by teddybearzpicnic

sp1r1tbear said...

fuck, you freaks have warped dorky senses of humour! enuff said indeed anon;)

Anonymous said...

Leave my name out of this.

*stomps her foot*

sp1r1tbear said...

no you lying psycho! fuck off.

see when I the real creator of this blog [not chatdope] deleted a comment NO TRACE OF IT IS LEFT!!!!!!!

lying warped negative game playing ingrate.

sp1r1tbear said...

so to spell it out slowly....

every single deleted comment THAT YOU CAN STILL SEE A TRACE OF was NOT DELETED BY ME, THE REAL CREATOR OF THIS BLOG. not that thief pirate chatdope.

every one that SHE HERSELF has deleted you can still see a trace of!

I rest my case.

sp1r1tbear said...

get it "anon"?

fuck off you anti british parasite.

sp1r1tbear said...

write a comment, delete it. simple.

- anyone may try it and they will see if it leaves the same mess chatdope leaves.

however, if I delete it, its gone without a trace.

feel free to experiment you anti brit comp self proclaimed genius dipstick.

sp1r1tbear said...

why don't you explain to everyone how exactly you pirate innocent Christian Brits blogs?

Anonymous said...

fuck she is mental or something, whoever makes a comment can delete their own post if they want to . retarded ferret crapho.

sp1r1tbear said...

yeah. you write them [so yr the author] then you delete them.



simple to understand for a simpleton.

you need help woman.

fare well.

Anonymous said...

Stop deleting Teddy's comments at once. If you don't stop the evidence will be turned over to the blog attorney.
Thank-you for your cooperation.

Anonymous said...

This post has been removed by the blog administrator

Anonymous said...

This post has been removed by the stupid cunt teddy.

Anonymous said...

This post has been by (fill in the blank of whoever you hate)

sp1r1tbear said...

fuck off liar. and in the words of some 'anon'...."learn to read".

Anonymous said...

crash can hardly grasp the low bastardised version of english that she uses so no wonder she is intimidated by "high english".

it's sadly ironic how this freak is guilty of just about every insult it throws!

pretentious flowery twat. that idiot even tries to throw in words that it can't spell!

all mouth but no substance.

sp1r1tbear said...

get off my back and my blog, you psychotic parasite crash test. see bi boys pic? i say you are just like one of the lil ones on the pigs back. so since you obviously DESPISE me beyond any realm of sanity and consider me swine...........get off the pigs back.

sp1r1tbear said...

*******comment deleted by... [and duh look, you see no trace that one was ever there] by TEDDY.

you will have to post under "anon" or some fake name[one that i dont sense is YOU] or not post at all.


Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the psychotic cunt Teddy.

Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the psyhotic psychic cunt teddy.

sp1r1tbear said...

how unaltered. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

sp1r1tbear said...


J*A*C*K said...

Pig? Thats an opossum my dear. Or should I say Opossums or what ever the plural is. LOL

sp1r1tbear said...

lmao bi boy. yes in my old age i need my glasses dahlink:p ah i see what it is now. regardless of the exact species it's funny shit indeed!! lol... luv ya bi boy, *HUGS*

Anonymous said...

I can't make it up to the top of this comment section anymore. Please install an elevator.

*shits in his drawers*

Anyone know what that smell is?

sp1r1tbear said...

can't you just right click the right hand scroll bar thingy and click TOP:p it takes you straight back to the top:)

but yeah start posting on the other threads more i suppose...

Sweet said...

anonymous, as if i dont know who you are...i dont go after men on the net stupid ass. i made some good friends here dont be jealous. you have to come up here and act like a hardass just to make yourself feel better about your sorry life. i make more money than you will ever know so stfu, i dont need anyones money unlike u and i dont sell my ass at truckstops like you do just to buy bread. as if some illiterate skank like yourself is going to teach me a lesson about life...roflmfao!!!!!!

and cunteddy...i didnt lose my kids due to prescription drug and emotional are the worthless piece of trash that did that. i will never fuk off...and i will never hide behind another name. get on the mic bitch.

Anonymous said...

Sweet go back to you dillusional world and straighten up your act..They might even let you see your poor kids again. Poor kids have it rough enough , having a 2 dollar hooker drug addict for a mother.

Anonymous said...

which Sweet had her children taken away?

sp1r1tbear said...

"sweet" [* paradox names like your ID make me sick btw].... IF i EVER have ANYTHING to say about your freaky evil ass i will put my name to it, but to be honest you have never even attracted my interest for a minute. dream on and quit forgetting to take your meds.

guttersnipe trash.

sp1r1tbear said...

ps...i have never acted like a "hard ass".

thought for the day = notice how often the insults that retards cast are mere reflections of themselves;)

sp1r1tbear said...

ffs, i can't even SEE a comment to that maggot. wtf is it on about?

Anonymous said...

hahaha sweet called teddy illiterate????????????????????? omg roflmao at that dumb cunt. Teddy is the most adept with the English language in these rooms!! fuck you Sweet you are a guttersnipe like she said.

Anonymous said...

poor little teddy. she removes all the comments she cant handle. i wish chatho would open comments on her teddy blog. that way, teddy moron couldnt remove them.

sp1r1tbear said...

anon..."on her teddy blog". lol, cute.

well, why doesn't the chatdope open up comments on her plagiarised vomit ode to me? good idea! then all you little maggots will have a true cesspool of deceipt to feed off each others filth in.

sp1r1tbear said...

ps...i have removed NONE of late.

demon liars.

sp1r1tbear said...

pat = scum.

Anonymous said...

I can't make it to the top anymore...........

*drops dead*

Anonymous said...

Chato & Teddy, Stop it. Your killing off the old, crippled and sick. Its too damn far to the top!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Am I number 300? - LOL

Anonymous said...


sp1r1tbear said...

the parasite chatdope is on every thread. wtf.


sp1r1tbear said...

i am tired of deleting every single leg humping spew that the pirate chatdope leaves on my blog.

say wot you like maggot; you show exactly what you are...all by yourself. i have no need to try and bring you down, like you do me. I recognise bottom dwelling scavengers when i see them.

why can't you get yer illiterate arse off to pastors blog, i never read that one. you are so boring zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


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