Thursday, July 28, 2005

Welcome to Teddy Tidbits..... *hugs*

Please try and play nice, but take any freaky folly to other more negative flavoured blogs...

I'm bored with the nursery school level room wars etc, and Teddy Tidbits is mine. Also note that Teddy Tidbits may be shut while I am offline, in order to avoid too much clutter. It is open for all chatters that frequent the yahoo islam chat rooms, and are involved in this war against muslim terrorism.


Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Have a jolly good giggle....

You all must check out utahbears blog at the moment LOL!!! Aren't you all a bit sick of the "info" posting and freaky obsessing on other chatters that goes on in Tardsville, zzzzz. It just isnt healthy:(

Go on...don't be so serious, have a chuckle at yourselves...

Monday, July 25, 2005

Saturday, July 23, 2005

you will know them by their fruits.....

:)I got this beautiful pic from attilas blog.

Monday, July 18, 2005

waaaahhh!!!! get that maggots illiterate gob OFF my furry arse!

the chatdope of Is-lame chat just loves my bum!

she's addicted to me.... so much so, that she posted this picture of my ass with my knickers down, on her blog that I actually publically encouraged her to reopen! It's nice to see that she does what i tell her, but ffs....wot a scawee FREAK!

"I need a rich woman this time, no more broken down ex-stripper whores for this ol coot. I am looking for a wealthy woman, maybe even a good church woman." *sniffs*....

Saint Patwick in da big smoke.

"yeehah. Luckily, I'll always have this trade to fall back on when my daughter can't feed me scraps from taco bell. I learnt how to suck cock reeeeaallll good when i served time in prison for over ten years. Any ladies in here gonna send me a pussy pic?! That's what I love about this room..................... I am king of the idiots in here, doublemotherfucker" *sniffs*

lest we forget...

*SINGING* "She musta been a beautiful baby but look at her now"....

the chatdope has moved on, from surfing for cucumber sex and beastiality/std clit site porn to staged theatre puppetry orgies with stuffed animals...................................................................................

..................................... !

check out how obsessed she is.

Now... the more sane chatters objected to her filthy porn pics, so she has resorted to setting up some hot cyber action with her stuffed toys!!! what chatdope does in the privacy of her own bedroom is her own business but WTF! why does she PERSIST in sharing what she is into sexually, with us?

*covers baby abu's eyes and tells them to be wary of sex filth and not look*

I have no idea what to say. *sighs*

also, she is in the rooms hiding in her various names trying to ask me about being a "plushie", but I don't know what a plushie is??? do you? did the illiterate, dictionary dependent rule stickler freak get another word wrong?

May I suggest as well as a psychologist that the maggot seeks the advice of some sort of sex therapist. can we say "issues" lol

I was perfectly nice and civil to her until she started this rabid leg humping. hm I did nothing wrong. So, na nah na nah na :p, she started it and I am glad that I triggered her off into revealing her underlying hues. utter tard.



Sunday, July 17, 2005

Chatdope enjoyed her spanking. The picnic carries on....

the chatdope getting spanked lol...... [hey, at least this art isn't beastiality/std clit site porn or plagiarism, like she puts on her blog] ;).............. slandering other women in a sexual manner is quite odd!!! don't you think? I mean from what is supposed to be a mature 'lady', hm... let's hope she stays on her medication this month:)

feel free to post any comments/information, or raise any topics you would like to discuss here....


who wants a spanking?

Saturday, July 09, 2005

a potluck tea party picnic, of comments from chatters.....

Well, in my opinion recent events are certainly "seperating the sheep from the goats", so to speak. Chatters true colours are becoming visible. What do you think?

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Sad Day For My Country.

.unarmed bears...... we have ridiculous gun laws in the United Kingdom :(

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Chatdope the blog thief, minus dictionaries.

chatho in contemplative mood. pondering the use of sanctions and the gradation of said sanctions.

looking lost and forlorn without her dictionaries:(

picture and leading statement are donkeys so thanx to the donkey. dat donkey kicked dat chatdopes ass

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Saint Patrick?

What do we really think of this person who dares to call themselves a Saint, for their chat handle?